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Posts published in “News”

County Notes

We are now reliably informed that the Veterans Service Office really is moving back to their original office at the cottage on Observatory Avenue where…

A Mother’s Beheading Shakes Little River

Little River, Mendocino County — The night before the shooting and killing and roaring flames changed everything, Asahn Smith got a text from a friend…

The Kendall Family Saga, Part II

The Kendall family settlers in Anderson Valley, founders of Kendall City (soon subsequently renamed Boonville) descended from English, Scots, Irish and perhaps Spanish ancestors. Y.I.…

Daylight Stretching Time

Short winter days bumming you out? Try Daylight Stretching Time (DST), the newest, grooviest way to beat the darkness. Say you live near the latitude…

Big Mike Nolan

Long before the Twenty-First Amendment was ratified outlawing the production, transportation and sale of alcoholic beverages nationwide, communities across the nation were voting to “go…

County Notes

From a February Supervisors Resolution “honoring” Civil Grand Juries: “Whereas, the grand jury’s fact finding efforts result in reports that contain specific recommendations aimed at…
