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Posts published in “Local News”

AV FFA Wins At Redwood Empire Fair

Six members of the AV Future Farmers of America represented the chapter well both in and out of the show ring. The six boys showed…

A Bloody Day in San Francisco

San Franciscans are observing the 75th anniversary of “Bloody Thursday” this year — that day in July of 1934 when open warfare raged on the…

Valley People 8/05/2009

THERE ARE PEOPLE we all assume are indestructible, indomitable people who seem to go on and on, but whose passings, when they come even at…

Just a Matter of Time?

“I guess it was just a matter of time,” a patron of the Ledford House restaurant in Albion said when he heard about Anthony Geer’s…

Off the Record 8/05/2009

WE'LL GIVE CLINT SMITH next week's front page because, as we went to press Tuesday afternoon, Judge Brennan hadn't announced his likely finding that Smith…

Lives & Times of Valley Folks: Kevin Burke

Before I begin this week’s interview I feel it is necessary to point out that my guests’ opinions are just that: their opinions; nothing more,…

Bird’s Eye View 8/05/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Two of the Valley’s most popular events are coming up this weekend.…

What It’s Like to Die

I died in April, 1979, a Saturday morning that I seem, now, to remember as being sunny and animated, as most sunny spring days on…

Bird’s Eye View 7/29/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably I shall begin. First let’s turn for even more comfort to the love songs that Country…
