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AVA Staff Interviews The Editor

Part 1: Questions from Terry Sites

Do you miss being able to talk? Are you in pain? Can you eat conventionally? What senses have you lost? Which ones do you miss the most? The least? What is your prognosis?

Editor Anderson, Post Op

Ed: In order: Miss my powers of speech? Not intensely, but the inconvenience of the loss to my family is beginning to annoy them.

Odd as it must seem given the severity of my operation — a new throat — I've experienced no pain, only fairly constant discomfort caused by adjusting to life with my manufactured orifice. For instance, I often have to suction my new throat via a nifty little machine perched on my desk. Of course for the week in ICU after the operation my IV may have been loaded with pain killers, but I've directly experienced no real pain. (My surgeon, Doctor Ryan, is an absolute maestro of the scalpel.) There was a general depletion of energy, for sure, but I'm now able to walk and do push-ups for an hour every morning. Got to say without my martyred wife and my dutiful daughter I would have had a much more terrible time.

I can eat normally but still don't have much of an appetite. I down a lot of Ensure these days.

I've lost senses of smell and taste. Much as I'd prefer to still have them, I don't dwell on their loss.

Prognosis is good, at least according to the medicos who, after all, are professionally optimistic.

Looking back, what is the most “golden moment” thus far in the history of the AVA?

I've never thought of the long slog in terms of auras, but overall I think we accomplished what newspapers are supposed to accomplish — afflict the comfortable, comfort the afflicted.

What is the most ghastly and wretched moment you can remember at the AVA?

There have been a bunch, and reading around in the archive I wish I'd had an editor instead of being the editor. One particularly ghastly moment was publishing false information fed to me by a person I'd trusted. I still cringe thinking about it.

Do you wake up curious and ready to plunge into the zeitgeist, or do you wake up tired and finished?

I wake up. You can't know how happy I am to bring it off on a daily basis.

If you could get one “wish” in this world (as broadly speaking as you like), what would it be?

I'd like my grandchildren to step into a relatively peaceful world other than the violently chaotic world they will inherit.

Who is the most noble human you can think of?

Eminent-type human? Ralph Nader comes to mind, but I most admire unsung people who go about their lives doing good, or simply managing to live on under difficult circumstances. I know a single mom who successfully raised two children on her own, for one instance, and there are many millions like her doing admirably in the context of an unraveling society.

Who is the most dastardly character you can think of?

My, a little judgemental aren't we? The inventor of the mobile phone certainly, Democrat big shots who claim to be defending everyday people while in fact making life more difficult for the majority, many of whom have gone over to The Orange Beast in desperation.

What is currently your greatest pleasure?

Watching my two grandchildren grow up. So far, so good, but the minefield of adolescence lies ahead. It was a lot easier being a kid when I was young. These days the negative distractions are everywhere, nevermind dope and Taylor Swift.

What would you do differently at the AVA given a chance for a “redo”?


Do you have any major regrets?

The zillion minor ones more than add up to the majors.

What are you most proud of?

Lasting as long as we have, and the stories we did that did major good for wronged persons, or at least lent them some consolation.

Could you let us know when you will visit the AVA office so we can come by and see you and shake your hand and thank you for all you do and have done for this community? (Local appreciation)

Absolutely not!

Part 2: Questions from The Major

How would you rank the AVA’s major contributors over the years, and why?

I won't rank them and the why is unnecessary given their work itself, but your coverage of county functioning, of course, Bruce McEwen's uniquely brilliant court coverage, Alexander Cockburn, also the best political writer and writer-writer in the country for many years, Mike Geniella, David Yearsley, Clay Geerdes, Fred Gardner, Mike Koepf on local matters, Jonah Raskin, Mary Miles, Katy Tahja, Doug Holland, Paul Modic, Terry Ryder-Sites, Tom Hine, Mark Heimann. Lists like this are dangerous because inevitably people get left out and are justifiably miffed, but a truly unfettered forum like the AVA's attracts talent.

What comes to mind as your favorite personal stories?

A lot of them still make me as angry as I was when I wrote them, and remain painful to re-visit, but I'm proud of the series on the Fort Bragg Fires of '87 — we went to three or four print runs on that one, which was our all-time best seller. The saga of the grotesquely persecuted Orr Sisters of Fort Bragg during the Satanist hysteria, to name two that always come instantly to mind.

Who do you think have been the most interesting (good or bad) County officials?

Johnny Pinches as supervisor is the most doggedly conscientious person to hold the position, but generally the quality of the supervisors has been poor. McCowen was pretty good, but I die a little thinking of most of them.

Do you recall any particular Keith Squires anecdotes or stories, especially from the early days?

If every community had a cop like Squires, America would be a better place. A tough guy but unfailingly fair.

Most memorable local characters?

Larry Parsons, the blind winemaker of Philo, and probably the least sympathetic handicapped person in the country in his time.

How do you see the future of the AVA?

Considering it's a geriatric enterprise…. I hope someone will keep it alive when we've gone to our reward. (I can feel the Reaper's hot breath.) Specifically, I don't see a likely successor but I'm sure there are people out there who could capably carry on. Our website just keeps growing so someone could eke out a living keeping it alive if that someone had the discipline and ability to do it. The AVA remains important to many Mendo people and even to thrill seekers beyond the County. I didn't know if it would survive behind a paywall, but it has.

What area(s) in Mendocino County would you consider to be the most attractive?

Fort Bragg going away. And Covelo. The Anderson Valley runs a strong third.

Least attractive?

Ukiah, and this is a consensus opinion.

What do you recall as highlights or lowlights from your time(s) in jail?

First time in, I was able to get every single inmate to sign onto a writ to the Superior Court complaining about conditions. That was the old falling-apart jail with showers that ran all night, sheetrock crumbling, guys sleeping on the floor, me included, from overcrowding. Our writ was upheld and about twenty inmates had to be released.

One Comment

  1. Jonah Raskin July 14, 2024

    Thank you. Much appreciated!! The AVA has been a miracle for decades!

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