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Posts published in “Local News”

Cox Case Settled — But Questions Remain

Deputy Jason Cox’s long anticipated sexual harass­ment lawsuit against the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office was dismissed late last week “with prejudice.” The terms of the…

Threads Of Life

I remember sticking my hand in the plaster of Paris, and my teacher sticking a pencil through the top. It was a gift for Mama,…

Bird’s Eye View, 10/21/2009

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comforta­bly then I shall begin. Let’s start with the Thought for the Week: “Just because somebody has…

Library Lines

After re-opening the Library on October 6th, we are very busy, which is great. So nice to see our mem­bers and we always welcome more.…

Highway Robbery In Comptche

Back in the days when the West was wilder, there was a way station on Orr Springs road three miles west of the junction of…

Sheriff’s Log, 10-21-09

10/1 9:52am Marijuana was discovered not far from the Yorkville Post Office. 10/1 7:56pm An unidentified man was talking to him­self on Ornbaun Road. 10/8…

School News

Daring To Succeed The following is a letter written to Betsy Taylor AVID teacher at AVHS by Veronica Mendoza her former student. Veronica is a…
