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Posts published in “Local News”

A 70′s Story of a House: Radical Roomers

In 1970 editor Dwight Macdonald in Tales of Hoffman referred to the 1969 trial of the Chicago Eight as "the most significant kulturekampf of our…

Print & Save: How to Vote in November

We recommend NO votes on all incumbents, beginning with Jerry Brown who, after all his years in government, is an incumbent of the ultimate officeholding…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Well, has it been wet enough for you? The ‘experts’ in the…

The Giants, A Breathless Look Back

The Giants have fixated my feeble attentions to the point of mesmerization. As a kid, I saw lots of Seal's ball games at the old…

If You Can’t Afford An Attorney…

Having the court appoint you a lawyer is a little like having your wife pick out your girl friend. Don’t expect too much in either…

Giants, the Series & Duh, the Election

Count me among the folks who are seriously unmoved by next week’s looming election. Not even the marijuana legalization measure or the possible return to…
