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Posts published in “Features”

Great Moments In Public Radio

KZYX, Wednesday, June 22, 2011. Takes On The World, with Jeffrey Blankfort. Blankfort: I happen to be on the mailing list for President Barack Obama! I got an email from him the other day! He…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 9

The person who would most connect me to the memory of my father and his generation was Max Halsey. For at least one chapter of his lifetime Max worked in the automobile business, oftentimes for my father.

Off The Record

This Week: A new press release reader at KZYX; mystery meat & baseball in San Francisco; Norman Solomon for congress; and much more

Valley People

THE ABSOLUTE BEST entertainment deal you're going to get anywhere in Mendocino County that night occurs on Saturday, July 16th right here at the Boonville Apple Hall. For twenty bucks you get a tri-tip dinner…

Nail That Coffin Shut!

How many nails does it require to whack down for­ever the coffin lid on European social democracy? Lenin, outraged in 1914 at the sight of Social Democratic par­ties across Europe rallying behind their national flags…

Her Children

I’m about to pull out of the Presbyterian parking lot and make a right turn, when I see a woman on the sidewalk across the street dragging a heavy suitcase.

Favorite Ride: The Head Ride

It’s May 1, Sunday, May Day I think it’s called, the next Sunday if it comes in these tendentious times is May 8 Mother’s Day, but since my mother has long since gone to her…

Letters To The Editor

GUMP TO THE RESCUE? Editor, Many times a board member or parents have asked me to become involved in the Manchester Elementary School but I believed my hands were full with being an advocate for…

Rasta Notes

“He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, and herb for the service of man.” — Psalms 104:14 “I don't have a credit card or bank account or any shit like that. I never…
