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Posts published in “Features”

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 8

Memphis: We were fishing in a Mississippi river backwater with Tony Joe, Duck and the band. Jim Marshall was along to document the day with his cameras. We had rented several aluminum skiffs, about 12…

Music Festival Roundup

The high point was a fantastic figure about 15 feet tall in gleaming red satin pants surrounded by a mob of brightly dressed and face-painted children, a few boys, but mostly girls, many of them…

Off The Record

This Week: Correcting the record on medi-pot; Drinking Drano in Ukiah; Redistricting Congressman Corktop; and much more

Valley People

BOONVILLE DEPUTY CRAIG WALKER said Monday he thought there were many more people at this year's World Music Festival than last year's annual weekend event at the Boonville Fairgrounds. There were cars parked clear to…

He Is Us

“When men are most sure and arrogant they are commonly most mistaken, giving views to passion without the proper deliberation which alone can secure them from the grossest absurdities.”— David Hume I may be wrong.…

Valley People

OOPS! When a Philo woman called Monday to say that three helicopters were flying low over The Valley's second city, she said, “I called you because the AVA always knows what's going on,” adding, “I…

Letters To The Editor

THE MLPA BEHIND THE CURTAIN Dear Editor, Don't Look Behind the Curtain! Get Away from the Curtain! It's official: the Marine Life Protection Act “Initiative” does not exist, and it never did exist. But don't…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 7

Hana, Maui: I could hardly believe my good fortune. The first time I traveled with Creedence to play a concert date it was in Honolulu.
