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Posts published in “Features”

All The Publisher’s Men

Having spent many weeks amidst the Strauss-Kahn case listening the locals assert that America's justice is superior to France's, we're now pitchforked into the next debate: could US journalism sink to the septic depths of…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 10

Following the breakup of CCR, John kept me employed for another four years or so. We moved out of the “Factory” and set up shop in a temporary office on San Pablo Avenue in Albany.

Looking For Elusive New Deal Art

Determined to see another example of mural art by Ben Cunningham, the artist who painted the mural in the Ukiah Post Office, I trekked to Coit Tower in San Francisco. There, my Internet research assured…

Letters To The Editor

  NO SHOWS, NO SMARTS Editor: “The PG&E and Wellington Energy employees were a no-show this morning at the Wellington Energy Installation Yard, while 26 trucks sat there ready to (illegally) install in Santa Cruz…

Pure Victims, Real Human Beings

Straight from Riker’s Island to the Elysée? There’s a political arc worthy of Brecht and Weill! Dominique Strauss-Kahn was sprung from house arrest in Manhat­tan last Friday and his supporters in France are agitating for…

Off The Record

This week: Ignoring the Grand Jury; Mendolib, Coast Branch; Redistricting the 5th; and much more

Valley People

WE'RE ALL SADDENED at the passing of Howard Morse, a long-time resident of Boonville. A retired logger, Howard was an unfailingly friendly man who was a highly regarded member of Anderson Valley's diverse community. COMPUTER…

Letters To The Editor

WHERE'S MY TINFOIL HAT? Dear Bruce Anderson: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. (PG&E) is excited to inform you that will soon be installing Smartmeter technology on electric meters in your neighborhood. PG&E's Smartmeter program will…

Behold A Pale Horse

AVA, I'm writing to suggest to William Cooper's “Behold A Pale White Horse” — a piece on government conspiracy. It seems to me like the whole world is unconscious. That's why I keep this Messy…
