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Posts published in “Features”

Ready To Vote For Mitt Romney?

Start with Obama. Of course he blew it. Whether by artful design or by sheer timidity is immaterial. He blew it. Two days before the United States was officially set to default on its debts…

Off The Record

This Week: Full Court Press, continued; Low Gap, distilled; Squaw Rock, renamed; and much more

Valley People

LUIS ARMANDO PACHECO was 23 when he died in last Wednesday’s collision with a Coast-bound gasoline tanker on 128 near the Mendo-Sonoma County line. $1300 in cash was found on Pacheco’s body. When law enforcement…

Repo Man Cometh

Nothing like having your car repossessed while your mother’s in town for a visit. On a bright sunny morning in June, my life soon became much more complicated in the to and fro department. The…

An Accidental Interview With John Sakowicz

I had to bring a bad alternator over the hill to Ukiah last Thursday. I wasn't sure if it was dead on my first alternator related trip the day before, riding the Mendocino Transit Authority…

Letters To The Editor

  ANOTHER ‘CRISIS’ Editor, Jerry Brown’s plan to extend the taxes that expired on July 1 by putting them on the ballot for the public to vote on fizzled. He knew that once it was…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 14

I arrived at the camp and waltzed into a private room with my brother and roommates, Artie and Lance. We were on the third floor of B-unit, overlooking the ball field and groves of pine and eucalyptus. Robbin had everything set up for me. He showed up in the middle of my check-in and immediately started harassing the guard (aka “hack”) in the good natured manner at which he excels.

At Last! The Head of Ghad… General Younis

It is surely one of the great strategic screw-ups in the history of war and intelligence analysis. In March, after the second UN Security Council resolution used by NATO to launch its bombing campaign, the…

Valley People

DUKE, the big beautiful dog belonging to Nick Rossi and always to be found in the vicinity of Rossi’s Hardware Store, has bitten me a couple of times, not hard but hard enough for me…
