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Posts published in “Features”

Valley People

XAVIER FRANCIS, 19, of Boonville and Ukiah, was arrested  at Mendocino College last Thursday on a $50,000 felony burglary warrant. Dogged police work by resident deputies Squires and Walker led to Francis's arrest. He and…

Scientology Slave

Bill Churchill’s time at sea and his multi-lingual background made him a perfect candidate to mingle with the Scientologists responsible for the management of the organization — the ultra elite group which became known as the Sea Organization.

Amy Winehouse & America’s #1 Health Problem

Is addiction a “disease?” Depends on who you ask, it seems, but if you ask those with the most experience and training — including doctors and scientists in the field — the answer is yes.

We, The Residents Of The Sea Shell Inn…

This is an appeal to the people of the city of Point Arena, in regards to the recent actions of the Point Arena City Council, and their alleged “Order of Abatement of Nuisance” against the…

The Debt Cantata

That debt and sin are synonymous in Christian thought and liturgy might help explain the righteousness of Tea Party discourse, as well as the genuflections of Obama and his acolytes. It’s true that the Sojourners…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 7

One of the drawbacks of dividing my time between Spy Rock and the city was the rigmarole I had to go through every time I left or returned. It wasn’t a big deal in summer.…

On The Trail of Ernie Pyle’s Cub Reports

I have a hobby of reading war correspondent dispatches. I got addicted when I started reading Ernie Pyle's book ‘Brave Men.’ I have since gained an interest in cub reporters. A cub reporter is a…

Letters To The Editor

THE WAR ON DRUGS To the Editor: At a recent Mendocino Board of Supervisors meeting Supervisor Hamburg criticized Operation Full Court Press. Several local officials stated that the “war on drugs has failed” and that…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 15

Again to immeasurable delight, baseball was a serious undertaking at Camp Fed. Slow-pitch softball rather than the purist form of hardball, but there was an adequate field with a backstop, a moderate bleacher section and…
