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Posts published in “Features”

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 17

My attorney finally showed up and filled me in on what was going on. The feds had convened a grand jury to hammer my old friend, BL. The rat in this instance was “Cricket,” a…

Valley People

LILA KNIGHT has died. Lila, the last of the Anderson Valley Pomos, was the wife of the late Art Knight. The Knights lived for many years near Lemons Market in Philo. Art Knight worked for…

Off The Record

This Week: A murder in Rockport; SEIU vs. The County, Cont'd; See ya', Congressman Corktop; and much more

Jarheads In The Bike Lane

My birthday showed its face in June, and thanks to the recent auto repossession and my wife’s work sched­ule, it would be an auto-free, solitary celebration. I had a check from a beer newspaper of…

El Classico De Michoacan

Michoacan is the mostly rural Mexican State from which the vast majority of Hispanic people in this Valley originally hail from. They tell me that it is similar to Anderson Valley in many ways. As…

Letters To The Editor

ROBBING THE PAST Editor, I'm reading a great must-read book, Griftopia, by Rolling Stone's political correspondent Matt Taibbi that I have to recommend to everyone interested in understanding the giant rip-off that the crooked international…

A Memoir: The Fortunate Son, Part 16

“When we're gone, long gone, the only thing that will have mattered,  Is the love that we shared, and the way that we cared,  When we're gone, long gone...” — Jamie O'Hara & Kieran Kane, “When…

Rich People

“Of all classes the rich are the most noticed and the least studied.” — John Kenneth Galbraith I know people who own nice houses and multiple cars and have sufficient wealth to eat and drink…

Off The Record

This Week: Jerry Brown "hoodwinked" on Pinoleville; Allman's booming zip-ties; The Beacon's bogus accolades; and much more
