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Posts published in “Features”

What Lasts?

“You are the music while the music lasts.”— T.S. Eliot Long ago, in a time when records were big round vinyl things activated by spinning them on turntables while running needles through their grooves, when…

Amsterdam Holiday, Part 2

Conveniently enough there's a Wijn bar on Rustenburgerstraat now where you head left for the frazzled Bed and Coffee. By frazzled, I mean things have changed considerably at the cheap little non-hostel hostel in the…

Letters To The Editor

PONTIFICATING DISGRACES To the Editor: We’ve all seen movies about the crimes and evils concocted in corporate and political boardrooms, most of the time based on agendas cooked up behind closed doors. We’re all a…

Goodbye Peak Oil, Hello Glut

I’ve never had much time for “peak oil” (the notion held with religious conviction by many on the left here, that world oil production either has or is about to top out – and will…

Valley People

IN THE MEDIA clamor surrounding the Aaron Bassler manhunt, Robert Pinoli frequently appeared on television and radio. Articulate and always on point, Pinoli, manager and part owner of the Skunk Train, is the son of…

Wrecked! Greatest Mendo Maritime Disaster!

After easing into the harbor and finding the loading chutes occupied, the Cabot’s captain decided to put to sea and wait out the choppy water. As she came about she got very near the cliff…

Amsterdam Holiday

I boarded Delta Flight 80 from New York to Amsterdam in First Class thanks to a gifted buddy pass from an ex-girlfriend-gone-lesbian that keeps me on procreatory, sperm-willing retainer. The overtly kind flight attendant sat…

Populist For A Day

Did you catch Obama’s populist twitch? The moment when he tossed aside the stifling cloak of compromise, and like Joshua before the walls of Jericho issued the trumpet call to the disheartened Democratic base that…

Letters To The Editor

UNTHINKABLE BEDFELLOWS Editor, The headline for Debra Keipp’s letter last week (AVA, 9/21/2011) could more accurately have been “Hallucinatory Bedfellows.” Miss Keipp seems to have a ten-year repeating pattern (like a mental stutter) of public…
