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Posts published in “Features”

St. Mary’s Hospital: A Love Letter

The morning of July 23rd I woke up with a stomachache. By noon the stomachache was bending me in half but, like a true child of the 50s — no blood, no injury — I…

Valley People

WHOEVER started the flattering rumor that the old ambulance barn has been remodeled certainly has a lot of gall. This individual passed the misinformation along to my editor who inserted it in my report of…

Off The Record

THE MOST INTERESTING THING about former SoCo winemaker LaMarion Spence’s idea to help wine tasters avoid DUI arrests (not mentioned in the Press Democrat’s story last week, of course) is the de facto admission that…

Letters To The Editor

GLOBITY, EMPIRACY, DOOM Dear Bruce, Empires come and empires go, and ours is over. Who said that? Anyone who has been paying attention. Sometimes the end of an empire is due to environmental factors; others…

Is Fascism Coming To America? If So, Dressed As What?

But first, a simple rule for killers: If you are going to murder someone in the United States, don’t try to get the job done in Texas. Keep your captive alive in the car till…

Valley People

FAIR MANAGER Jim Brown said Monday that this year's County Fair crowd was quite large, up at least 30% The amiably efficient Brown attributed improved attendance to the perfect weekend weather. It rained a little…

Dad’s Two Week Notice

The surprise visit from our landlord’s main man was not appreciated. Good thing I was midway through vac­uuming up all the baking soda I’d sprinkled on our now multi-animal soaked and defecated carpet when I…

The Wasteland

Across two evenings this week, we’ve been offered America’s future in a couple of visions. Neither of them offered the prime vitamin of bearable politics, the prom­ise of good cheer and a better life at…

Letters To The Editor

RAILS & TRAILS Editor, Do you wish there were more safe places to walk and roll in your community? Share your vision for a trail system to connect communities, expand options to walk and bike…
