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Posts published in “Features”

Hardly Strictly Anything

I'm a music festival veteran; was too young for the original Woodstock but wound up going to many others, and even working at one for over a decade — the legendary peak years of Reggae…

Trouble In The Kingdom

Threaten the stability of Saudi Arabia, as the Shi’a upsurges are now doing in Qatif, and al-Awamiyah in the country’s oil-rich Eastern Province and you’re brandish­ing a dagger over the very heart of long-term US…

Letters To The Editor

HOBSON’S CHOICE Dear Editor, If it came down to a choice between a cannabis dispensary and a church next door, I would choose the cannabis dispensary in an instant. Cannabis is much less dangerous. If…

Mutual Combat, Not Murder

Editor: Please sir help me by posting my cry for help in the AVA for a few weeks to come as my life is in the hands of this county's judicial system and Linda Thompson.…

Where’s My Meds, Mitch?

Dear Mr. Anderson, Greetings from San Quentin where I am serving four months for parole violation. I am humbly and respectfully asking for a free subscription to your newspaper which I have been a fan…

Sports Notes

Even though I wrote in this column that the SF 49ers made a mistake seven years ago when they chose Alex Smith #1 in the entire NFL draft over Cal’s Aaron Rodgers, I didn’t believe…

The Legacy Of Al Davis

When I was doing my book tour for Bad Sports: How Owners Are Ruining the Games We Love, I always had a joke in my back pocket about Oakland Raiders owner Al Davis that never…

Fox Tries To Prank A Wall Street Occupier

Fox News Reporter Bill Schulz at a Occupy Wall Street Rally: Jesse, so Ray, your partner here, your… (Occupier named Ray): Comrade. Schulz: Your colleague, she’d seen the protests in Greece and Europe and elsewhere.…

Valley People

ARTISTIC COMMENT on medical marijuana dispensaries found in downtown Boonville.
