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Posts published in “Features”

Amsterdam Holiday, Part 6

Maybe the weed is stronger here, but I was getting down on myself a lot today, wondering if I appeared as criminally suspect as my ex-con stepbrother Tim did in his recent Greece vacation pictures.…

Letters To The Editor

GRANGE REPORT Editor, I was off a couple weekends back attending the Grangers State Convention at the Palermo Grange just outside of Oroville. Four days of Grangers catching up, talking resolutions, sharing music, jokes and…

At Crown Hall, My First Rap Concert

Halloween didn’t officially begin for me at Saturday night’s rap concert at Mendocino’s Crown Hall. It more or less kicked off at the Laundromat in Fort Bragg that afternoon when a doughy, busty white thing…

Early Valley Days

Many events of the earlier days of Anderson Valley and its stories are fast becoming only memories and faint ones at that. One story that was recently revived was that of the Mason and Dixon…

The Greatest Poetry Reading Ever?

I don’t “do” many poetry readings — as some wag once quipped, riffing off Allen Ginsberg’s famous poem Howl, “I saw the best minds of my time bored at poetry readings…” But this one, held…

Boonville Makes History

Boonville made history simply by showing up at Kezar Stadium last Saturday night. Stuart Hall made half that history but they may have wished they hadn't shown up. The history? The first 8-man football game…

Off The Record

This Week: North of Cloverdale, "0 percent" political courage; A math error in Ukiah; Strange times in Point Arena; and much more

Valley People

KATHY VAN TASSEL of Boonville suffered major injuries Sunday morning about ten when her westbound 1994 Ford Escort unaccountably careened off Highway 128 not far from Navarro and rolled over. Ms. Van Tassel was taken…
