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Posts published in “Features”

Letters To The Editor

CRACKPOTS, AN ANALYSIS Dear Lee Simon, Thanks for your scientific response to my conjecture about possible after-life scenarios. My father was an atheist medical doctor and his religion was Science, so reading your letter was…

Imperial Massacres

Denied post mortem imagery of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki, the world now has at its disposal photographs of Muammar Qaddafi, dispatched with a bul­let to the head after being wounded by NATO’s ground…

Harbaugh & The 9’ers

It is clear now that Jim Harbaugh is an enthusiastic and excellent coach. Perhaps, though, that is an understatement. He is an exuberant coach who is smart and crafty as a gridiron tactician and generous…

The Civic Center

Come Fly Away the marquee read, A sign below said, eat the rich, Or, taxiderm them, another said, Ol’ Blue Eyes began to twitch To see the anger of the youth Be led by those…

The Soccer Choruses Of Anfield

For an American musical expatriate with ample means and the right connections that money brings, a musical tour of Europe might include Wagner in Bayreuth and Verdi at La Scala. Tickets for these two houses…

Valley People

PEOPLE SAY DEATH comes in threes. I hope not. We've had enough of it around here for now. Peter Summit's sudden passing at age 32 hit lots of us hard, as the untimely deaths of…

Off The Record

This Week: CalTrans really doesn't like us; CAMP, er, Marijuana Price Support Unit; Libs saying nice things about libs; and much more

The Iranian ‘Plot’

First, a simple rule: utter absurdity in allegations lev­eled by the US government is no bar to a deferential hear­ing in our nation’s major conduits of official opin­ion. Suppose the CIA leaks a secret national…

Letters To The Editor

RUSH FOR PA SCHOOL BOARD Dear Editor: I am often questioned as to why I am so involved in the school district since I have no children or grandchildren in it. I can only say…
