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Posts published in “Features”

Off The Record

This Week: A gang problem in Fort Bragg; Outraged psuedo-libs vs. Tommy Wayne Kramer; Nuzzlebumming at the MTA; and much more

He’s No Bill Clinton!

As he prepares to follow Gov. Rick Perry into the oubliette of campaign history Herman Cain can at least console himself that as an alleged harasser of women, his was certainly a classier act than…

Triumph Of Will

When a friend tells you he is going to make a feature film, it’s rather like hearing him say he plans to climb Mt. Everest. You immediately want to mention the obvious fact, already known…

Spy Rock Memories, Part 10

From my back door the view stretched at least 30 or 40 miles. The hills fell away until they reached the Eel River, then began to climb again until they turned into the full-fledged mountains…

Letters To The Editor

PRO-MAGNON Blessed event: Don MacQueen has let slip news of my candidacy for president. I will run (or shamble) if called, but not if called “late for chow.” Negotiations to secure (sic) Supervisor Smith as…

Dreaming Of Kryptonite

Editor, In watching across the lobby of the local clinic I see two little girls and a boy playing at a table with Plato and all the accessories that go along with it. There are…

Valley People

THE BALLOON GUY is back, and there are more than a few people in the Navarro area not particularly happy to see him. Last Thursday, Balloon Guy apparently launched himself aloft in his battered basket…

A Game To Remember

It was one of those epic high school football games that local fans won't soon forget, and the boys who played it will never forget. In a driving rain on a muddy field at the…

Off The Record

This Week: Fox News intellectuals, attack! County worker negotiations, continued! Local paranoids, stand down! and much more
