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Posts published in “Features”

A Teacher’s Memoir: Alotta Lipski

It was my very first sixth-grade faculty meeting at Little Lake Valley Middle School. There were just four of us, all men, but we were waiting for one more teacher before we could proceed. That…

Peanut Butter Crank & The Possumbaby

The possum baby slashed and jerked its way around Joanna’s uterus in a river of milky white mucus and blood. “Ya muthafuckin’ beast!” she wailed at it, her back grindin’ into the bed while she…

My Days As Justice Of The Peace

Before the Judicial Council was voted in by the people of the State in California, the local judge was a Justice of the Peace and was known to the people as a J.P. He would…

Faux Pas

The Turks were so patient for putting up with me this fall as I cycled around the western half of Turkey. I cringe now when I recall the many times, while in conversation with strangers,…

Letters To The Editor

NOT SO TABOO Editor, This week's letters section is a fine demonstration of why sex, religion and politics are traditionally taboo topics in “polite” company. An observation: Sex, religion and politics are, aside from the…

Thud Of The Jackboot

Too bad Kim Jong-il kicked the bucket last weekend. If the divine hand that laid low the North Korean leader had held off for a week or so, Kim would have been sus­tained by the…

Off The Record

THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF THE COURTS (AOC) — front group for the state's pampered judges — has reversed the order for its two preferred sites for the new Ukiah courthouse, putting the railroad depot parcel…

Valley People

IN THE YEAR JUST PAST, the Anderson Valley said goodbye to Terry Ottoboni Lane Medaris, Mildred Olive (Hulbert) Gowan, Patty McCummings, Myrtle Evelyn Bakker, Lorna Chance, Harriet Jean Piper, James Monroe 'Bo' Hiatt, Christopher Stuart…

Letters To The Editor

FIRST ENRON, THEN PG&E Editor, Last Spring I was sitting in Fort Bragg’s City Council considering a potential no Smartmeter resolution and listening to a man address the ruthless utility known as PG&E regarding rate…
