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Posts published in “Features”

The Deranged Chorus

A Catholic former US senator from Pennsylvania once rated the dumbest man in the US Congress crested Tuesday night in Iowa’s see-saw battle among candidates for the Republican nomination and ran a virtual tie with…

John Walsh, Amy Goodman & Ron Paul

From John Walsh's letter to Goodman, host of Democracy Now!, on the program's coverage of Ron Paul: “I have a bone to pick about your coverage of Ron Paul and the five comments that appeared…

Valley People

THE EERILY unseasonable weather continues with cold, clear nights and warm, clear days as we nervously eye our water sources and wonder how long they can go without replenishment. MAYBE THE ODD weather is driving…

Off The Record

LIVING PROOF of the old adage “You can't keep a good man down,” the good man we're talking about here is Vern Piver, the true mayor of Fort Bragg no matter who happens to be…

Ohio Newspaper Autopsy

Kings Mills, Ohio — I love newspapers very much. I was delighted to read about the AVA in Judy Muller's recent book ‘Emus Loose In Egnar.’ I thought you and your readers might be interested…

L.A. Woman

Jim won't be there but Ray and Robbie will be. Manzarek and Krieger, of the Doors. Jim won't be and neither will drummer John Densmore.

Letters To The Editor

OCCUPY HENDY UPDATE Dear Anderson Valley, A huge thank you for attending Hendy Woods Community Meeting and remaining so steadfast in your commitment to saving Hendy Woods. We are continuing with our two-pronged strategy of…

Life Inside

Editor, On October 24, 2011, I was taken out on a medical transport to San Joaquin hospital and the following took place. We were transported with a set of leg irons and a chain around…

Valley People

CYNDI WILDER WRITES: The AV Senior/Community Center has an expanding vegetable garden that is providing some of the produce for the meals there. All community members are encouraged to take advantage of this local food…
