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Posts published in “Features”

Death Of Hippie

Hippie met its ugly death In Buena Vista Park; Buried with the smack and meth With candles in the dark; Vietnam the only trip That had the people in its grip. * * * Organized…

Hand-fishing For Swamp Monsters

Cypress boughs dangle over the still, mocha-muddy waters of an Oklahoma swamp as a gaggle of drawling Southern country boys walks waist deep through the sleepy current. The men, shirtless and tanned, feel their way…

Brautigan’s Rise & Fall

Richard Brautigan once observed that “It’s really something to have fame put its feathery crowbar under your rock and then upward to the light to release you, along with seven grubs and a sow bug.”…

My Father

When my father died five years ago, my siblings and I did not hold a memorial service in his honor. We were each of us so wounded by our father’s incessant criticism and disapproval of…

Letters to the Editor

BAJA NEWS Editor, Our next trip was to travel from Baja Norte to Baja Sur in search of the Grey Whale. These whales travel from their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to the…

An Envoi For Christopher Hitchens At The Pearly Gates

On April 20 there’s a memorial for Christopher Hitchens at the Cooper Union in Manhattan. There’s a PEN tribute, also in Manhattan, on April 30. Here’s my own little envoi. The regular Diary, tumbrils and…

Valley People

CAMP MASONITE-NAVARRO has been sold for $1.9 million, the Redwood Empire Boy Scout Council announced Thursday. The 80-acre property off the old Masonite Road near Navarro has existed as a Scout camp for 57 years.…

Mendocino County Today: April 26, 2012

KENNY ROGERS of Westport fame is scheduled to be back in Mendocino County Superior Court on Friday, May 11th. Rogers, chairman of the County's Republic Party at the time of a confused shooting alleged to…

Mendocino County Today: April 24, 2012

MISS JACQUELINE AUDET, aka Goldilocks, writes: “Dear AVA, My name is Jacqueline Audet, not Goldilocks! Three times in a row now you have put my picture along with what seems like concern and slander against…
