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Posts published in “Features”

Letters To The Editor

BRAUTIGAN: WARTS & ALL Editor, Make no mistake about it: I love Richard Brautigan. I really love Richard Brautigan. He was as much a part of my early literary training at the Writing Seminars Department…

Valley People

A FIVE-TON truck registered to Veritable Vegetable of San Francisco overturned on 128 Monday shortly before noon about a quarter mile from the Yorkville Fire Station. The truck, which had just made a stop at…

Mendocino County Today: May 1/2

THE PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY, TUESDAY, JUNE 5TH, 2012 — THE AVA RECOMMENDS: • PRESIDENT: There's no choice. Both candidates represent the concentrations of wealth that have brought us to where we are, which is rolling, unaddressed…

Mendocino County Today: April 30, 2012

THAT WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENTS' DINNER the other night nicely sums up the true state of the nation. We had the president functioning as co-master of ceremonies with a comedian as unamusing as he was, along…

Mendocino County Today: April 29, 2012

ALTHOUGH MENDOCINO COUNTY law enforcement, from the Sheriff’s Department to the DA’s Office, seems unanimous in their conviction that Dr. Peter Keegan murdered his wife of 30 years, Susan Keegan, the case against the Ukiah…

Mendocino County Today: April 28, 2012

DENISE FROM FORTUNA and Rush Limbaugh Talk Humboldt Culture, Hairy Armpits, Militant Feminists. (By Hank Sims. Courtesy Lost Coast Outpost — One of Humboldt County’s finest gave Rush Limbaugh a call this morning. Hilarity…

Mendocino County Today: April 27, 2012

BACK ON, APRIL 10th, Ralph Nader announced his support for the presidential candidacy of Rocky Anderson, former Democrat, former mayor of Salt Lake City, and the only progressive alternative to Obama. The libs are trotting…

Mendocino County Today: April 26, 2012

THE GERMAN SHEPHERD found abandoned and half-dead in Point Arena’s now closed Sea Shell Inn, is doing quite well at the County’s Animal Shelter in Ukiah. The County’s animal lady, Bliss Fisher, has reassured lots…

Last Waltz Out-Takes

In 1976 The Band staged a farewell-to-the-road concert, “The Last Waltz,” at Winterland in San Francisco. Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson, Richard Manuel, Rick Danko and Garth Hudson played a dozen of their own great songs…
