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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: April 23, 2012

KZYX'S BOARD ELECTION results are in, and guess who won? Management, of course. The troubled, and nearly broke, public radio station is organized in a way that ensures domination of the board by whomever happens…

Mendocino County Today: April 22, 2012

THAT HUGE POLICE presence Friday in Fort Bragg was a multi-agency crackdown on Fort Bragg’s persistent gang problem, brown and white. Mexican gangs have rooted themselves in the community as have gangs comprised of both…

Mendocino County Today: April 21, 2012

HO HUM ELECTION shaping up. Except for the interest in the Congressional race generated by the stark choice between the genuine progressive Norman Solomon and a field of More-Of-The-Same-Democrats leavened only by a few Northcoast…

Mendocino County Today: April 20, 2012

POT DOC MILAN HOPKINS of Upper Lake is again in trouble with the California Medical Board. Accused of “gross negligence” for writing medical marijuana prescriptions, it's the third time around for Hopkins, 67, since 1979…

Letters To The Editor

THE END OF ENLIGHTENMENT Editor, I’d like, with your permission, to respond to two letters and one article in the AVA of 4 April 2012. 1. To Lee Simon’s letter, “Three Questions”: Yes, good brother,…

Mendocino County Today: April 19, 2012

THIRD DISTRICT SUPERVISOR John Pinches was reported to have suffered a significant heart attack last weekend and was said to be recovering in Howard Memorial Hospital in Willits as of Tuesday afternoon. A READER CLARIFIES:…

Farewell, Gastro-Porn

This has been a bad year for grand restaurants in the three- to four-star range and the clang of their closing doors raises the question — is the whole gastro-frenzy that stirred into life in…

Big Data

Yesterday brought an email from a friend with the subject heading Data Plague, with a link to an article from the New York Times about Big Data, a hot topic in the world of computer science and technology.

The Crackpot Files

Insanity is the only sane reaction to an insane society.  — Thomas (“Mental illness is a myth”) Szasz   “…lunatics from the hospital up the highway, psycho-ceramics, the cracked pots of [society].”  — Ken Kesey,…
