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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: May 7, 2012

MASSIVE FISH & GAME interdiction this morning at the Boonville Fairgrounds with as many as 40 game wardens stopping vehicles to search for illegally taken abalone. Look for a full account of Sunday's attempt to…

Mendocino County Today: May 8, 2012

RYANE SNOW has passed away. The popular Coast mycologist was best known for generously sharing his vast knowledge of mushrooms with three generations of locals. Snow, who held a PhD in chemistry, was the go-to…

Mendocino County Today: May 6, 2012

THE CITY OF FORT BRAGG has presented the late Vern Piver’s family with a proclamation honoring the universally popular Piver, known and admired thoughout Mendocino County, for his many years of community service. The new…

Mendocino County Today: Cinco de Mayo, 2012

MENDOCINO REDWOOD COMPANY is selling 1,138 acres of timberland in three parcels for $3.7 million. One parcel is 589 up the Noyo River Valley east of Fort Bragg. The other two are near Montgomery Woods.…

Mendocino County Today: May 4, 2012

CHRIST JESUS SAVE US ALL! According to the most terrifying press release we’ve ever received, Stacey Lawson has announced the formation of her “Mendocino County Leadership Cabinet,” not one of whom has the slightest influence…

Chris Diaz Update

To Honorable Judge Ellis: I am writing to inform you that I was coerced into signing the plea agreement. This is my motion to withdraw my plea agreement, entered on the 29th of March 2012.…

River Views

If it bleeds it leads. Mendocino County has never been a stranger to senseless bloodletting. In the broader spectrum of history the tragic deaths of Jere Melo and Matthew Coleman last summer were merely another…

A History Of Forgetting In Mendocino County

It took until March for a smattering of steelhead to run up flat-bottomed Gibson Creek, a watercourse that flows past the house where I live, in a fastidiously well-manicured section of West Side Ukiah (water-intensive…

Mendocino County Today: May 3, 2012

LAWSUIT Challenges Four-lane Willits Bypass Freeway That Would Destroy Wetlands, Salmon, Rare Plants. SAN FRANCISCO— The Center for Biological Diversity, Willits Environmental Center, Redwood Chapter of the Sierra Club and Environmental Protection Information Center (EPIC)…
