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Posts published in “Features”

Three Cheers For The French Strikers!

The strikes and demonstrations that have brought France to a near-halt are provoking the usual patronizing commentaries in the United States and United Kingdom. Those…

No on Hamburg

Dear Editor: There are recurring questions about Dan Hamburg's qualifications for electoral office. He has had inaccuracies on his financial disclosure declarations now and 18…

Giants, the Series & Duh, the Election

Count me among the folks who are seriously unmoved by next week’s looming election. Not even the marijuana legalization measure or the possible return to…

Letters to the Editor

AMATEUR HOUR Dear Editor, I'm something of an amateur forensic accountant, and I am most certainly a very diligent citizen watchdog of Mendocino County finances.…

Driving a Red Rental Car Through Willits

The grizzled old philosopher/working man/lifelong confirmed stoner I used to get weed from when I lived in Arcata is being evicted from his sandy little…

Sports Notes

Finally the 49ers won a football game last Sunday after five straight losses. Even though the game versus the Raiders was ugly and sloppy, the…

Panther Soccer 2010

Following the season’s disappointing first league defeat, 4-5 to Calistoga the previous Wednesday, and the unfulfilling forfeit made by Tomales in the next game, the…


A good story cannot be devised; it has to be dis­tilled.” — Raymond Chandler Before the advent of the interweb, I frequented librar­ies and secondhand…

‘The Way We’ve Always Done It’

In the Anderson Valley, there's futbol and there's football.
The football people think their football isn't get ting a fair shake.

Valley People

DAVE NORFLEET and Paula Kesenheimer are just back from the State Grange convention in San Jose. Dave, as most of you know, is our Philo…

Northstone Organics Targeted?

"Next week if they take my medical cannabis I will be pissed off and demand they give it back!" --Angel Raich, Northstone Organics patient Angel…
