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Posts published in “Features”

Letters To The Editor

When I was dean of the College of Science and Engi­neering at SFSU, I testified before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors and else­where against the peripheral canal and its potential nega­tive impact on the bay and the delta.

Mendocino County Today: November 28, 2013

GRATEFUL, by Claudia Jimenez. Inspired by Greg Ludwig’s story in this week’s paper, I want to express my deepest gratitude to important people in my heart. For some of you who have a slight idea about my life (or maybe not so much) I will start by telling you how everything started.

Off The Record

LONG TIME County CEO Al Beltrami has died at age 79. Sheriff Tom Allman posted this statement last Sun­day: “Today, 11/23/13, a legend in Mendocino County passed away. His name was Al Beltrami. He had…

A Holiday Quiz

Dear Dr. Zack: The holiday season breaks like a campaign promise upon the diamond-encrusted hull of the S.S. Reality. Now comes word that the Democrats will suspend the minority’s right to a Congressional filibuster. See…

Dancing Flutes

The Bach family’s fascination with, and seminal con­tributions to, the flute repertoire orbits around the musi­cal centers of Dresden and Berlin. It was in these capital cities of Saxony and Prussia respectively that Germany’s greatest…

Shameless Self-Promotion

In those long ago days when I was invited to read from my novels in bookstores and libraries, and for col­lege audiences and writers groups, I was frequently asked if I had any helpful advice for people who wanted to become writers and make their livings from writing.

Mendocino County Today: November 27, 2013

WE'VE POSTED the obligatory county press release “honoring” Beltrami with its usual rote “will be missed” (Hamburg), and “he will be greatly missed.” (CEO Angelo). Hamburg served as a supervisor for one-term while Beltrami was…

Valley People

THE COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT BOARD announced last Wednesday night that Patty Liddy, wife of Steve Sparks, has been hired as the District's new secretary effective in January. Ms. Liddy replaces retir­ing secretary Joanie Clark who,…

Mendocino County Today: November 26, 2013

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS HONORS THE MEMORY OF AL BELTRAMI On Saturday, November 23, 2013, long-time Mendocino County Administrative Officer (CAO) Al Beltrami passed away at age 79. At the time, he was the youngest man…
