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Posts published in “Features”

Sports Notes

Like our Editor who wrote a fine, poignant article in the AVA last week, I, too, am mesmerized by the 2010 SF Giants Baseball Team…


“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ances­tors. All of them are…

19 Reasons to Vote Yes on Prop 19

Prop 19 is a regulatory approach we can live with. The purpose is to mainstream marijuana thru limited adult legalization and local control. That means…

Letters to the Editor

CHANGE TO HOLLY To the Editor: It’s Time for a Change in the 3rd District Four years ago at election time, an old friend said…

Two Nobel Prize Winners

(I don't know where the AVA gets all those great quotes, but a couple in here made me think of them, though perhaps you've seen…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Monday afternoon (Oct 18th), the team traveled to face the Wolverines of Willits for the final non-league game of the season in what would…


Whilst discussing my hopes and expectations for the San Francisco Giants with Mark Scaramella, he sug­gested I try my hand at writing about disappointment. I…

Valley People

A TRIUMPHANT JOHN TOOHEY, Anderson Valley High School football coach, writes: “The AV Panthers played in their first ever eight man contest against Woodside Priory…

Off the Record

THE SAD SAGA of Captain Fathom continues. Monday morning about 8 I walked into Pic 'N Pay to buy a Chronicle. I couldn't help but…

The Giants, A Breathless Look Back

The Giants have fixated my feeble attentions to the point of mesmerization. As a kid, I saw lots of Seal's ball games at the old…
