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Posts published in “Features”

Off the Record

This week: Want & Fear 2030, privatizing Mendo's mental health system, firing Point Arena's city clerk and much more.

Valley People

THURSDAY NIGHT'S school board meeting will be a hot one, and here's why: Late last week, Ernie Pardini received a phone call from high school…

Henry Miller: Big Sur’s Best Ambassador

Re-reading the favorite books of one’s youth can be dangerous, or at least disappointing. They rarely measure up to the image and influence they had upon first encounter. That has too often been my sad experience, at least. But Henry Miller has been a happy exception.


I have never heard of a workshop for writers that teaches the efficacious use of sex to make it big in thea tre or publishing or the movie business, but any writer who has toiled in Hollywood or New York or in the out posts of those Babylons knows that sexual linkage to people in power is of paramount importance to success in The Biz; and anyone who denies this is either a phony or grossly naïve.

Letters to the Editor

MOVE TO AMEND Dear Editor and readers; A recent poll found that 85% of US voters believe “corporations have too much influence over the political…

Panther Soccer 2010

The Wildcats from Calistoga High School were the visitors to Tom Smith Field in Boonville last Wednesday (Oct 6th) afternoon to play what would be…

Killing Trees in San Clemente

Historical San Francisco/LA cultural antagonism (“Don’t call it Frisco”) is a quaint relic of a bygone era, or is it? Recently, when I came south…

Off the Record

AGAIN, OUR PAPERS are lost. Or languishing at Petaluma's vast sorting center. Or some combination thereof. The Bay Area got its AVA's, as did Vermont…

Letters to the Editor

SAKO’S RETIREMENT PROBS AGAIN Dear Editor: The main thing voters should know in this election is that much of Mendocino County politics has been cor­rupt…

Panther Soccer 2010

Last Wednesday (Sept 30th), the Panthers once again were on their travels as they went south to play Rincon Valley Christian, a team that is…

Sports Notes

I only went to Oregon for a short time to attend my youngest grandson’s first birthday party on the green grass of a park. Callum…
