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Posts published in “Features”

River Views

By the time this is published I should be back from my second backpacking trip of the summer; unless a bear or snake or foolish…


Several recent conversations with friends focused on how might we counter the cyber takeover of our society while at the same time fomenting positive change and a more vibrant local community; and the answer seems to be to invite people over to share a meal and talk.

Mendocino County Today: July 18, 2012

DA DAVID EYSTER'S sensible pot enforcement strategies were recently featured in the Daily Journal Legal News, a newspaper for the legal profession. “Under new policy,…

Off The Record

UKIAH'S FOREST CLUB, the famous bar and retreat on State Street opposite the Courthouse, has been closed by the ABC for 30 days because an…

Valley People

HAROLD HULBERT has died. He was 67. Services will be held Friday, July 27th, at the Apple Hall, Boonville, beginning at noon. I spoke briefly…

Mendocino County Today: July 17, 2012

THE GREEN PARTY has selected Jill Stein, MD, as the party's presidential candidate. Ms. Stein, a 62-year-old internist from Lexington, Mass, is already being denounced…

Mendocino County Today: July 16, 2012

THE SILENCE coming out of the labor-management impasse at Mendocino Coast District Hospital is becoming more tense by the week. Earlier this month, CEO Ray…

Mendocino County Today: July 15, 2012

IN MAY OF 2010, 15 Congressmen, including Ron Paul and Bay Area Democrats Pete Stark and Zoe Lofgren, asked Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, to “assure…

Mendocino County Today: July 14, 2012

KRISTINA RAGOSTA of Arlington, Virginia writes: “Thank you for covering the very important issue of untreated mental illness and Laura’s Law. Unfortunately, the article posted…

Mendocino County Today: July 13, 2012

STEVENSWOOD SPA and Resort at Little River, just south of mega-tourist magnet Mendocino, is being advertised as up for auction, meaning the present owners have…

Mendocino County Today: July 12, 2012

THE SUPERVISORS have shunted Laura's Law off to committee, where it is likely to die a silent death. As some of you will recall, Fort…
