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Posts published in “Features”

Spy Rock Memories, Part 4

As soon as you give something a name, it begins to die, says an old Chinese proverb, and its corollary might be that as soon as you get comfortable somewhere, things start going wrong. I…

Letters To The Editor

ONE DAY AT A TIME Editor, J. Biro seriously needed a buzz. He could talk the talk but like everyone he knew would rather do anything than actually meditate. He had already smoked up the…

How I Met The KZYX News Department

KZYX is advertising for a news director. Paul Hanson has resigned. I hope Hanson's departure wasn't inspired by an odd few hours two weeks ago that began with Hanson's visit to our office. Here's what…

Valley People

BOONVILLE, having been severed from the grid Saturday night about 10:30, was a ghost town all day Sunday and remained lifeless until the power flickered back on at 7:30 Sunday evening. Only the Boonville Hotel…

Earthquakes, Waves & What Ifs

Here on the West Coast of the United States the Japanese earthquake was swiftly domesticated in the early dawn hours of Friday as the possible dimensions of the tsunami speeding States-ward across the Pacific. On…

Eddie’s Hot Deals

Amenities turn into luxuries as you suffer a class fall. Buying fresh-cut flowers and newly published books requires more “discretionary” income than you have. You either give them up or find other options. Access to…

Clean Slate

Last week, I sat down for a comforting dinner of baked chicken, escalloped potatoes and delicious bread pudding at a senior center over 100 miles from home. I didn't know anybody in the room, so…


So much talk about the rich. They have all the money and get all the press. “Any publicity is good publicity,” said the manager of a band I had in the sixties. Charlie Sheen knows…
