just finished reading an excellent book by British historian Derek Wilson: A Brief History of Henry VIII, 386 pages of densely informative prose that is certainly not brief by American standards.
Posts published in “Features”
While it was happening, and for a long time afterward, there was no doubt in my mind that 1985 was the worst year of my life. I wandered through it like a wounded animal, in…
The war on Libya now being waged by the US, Britain and France must surely rank as one of the stupidest martial enterprises, smaller in scale to be sure, since Napoleon took it into his…
NO HYDRAULIC FRACTURING Editor, Several weeks ago, most likely due to the Academy award nomination of the documentary, Gasland, the New York Times had not one, but two, front page articles within a week on…
Lukas Nelson, who declined to play with Bob Dylan's band, demonstrates an inner composure and healthy self-assuredness that many Seekers of Truth would be wise to emulate.
“More relative than this—the play's the thing / Wherein I'll catch the conscience of the King.” — William Shakespeare Yes, it will only be a staged reading in a tiny theater on the fringes of…
Dear Dr. Zack, Please help me, as I am about to lose my mind, or what's left of it. For the past few years, instead of people saying “First of all ... Secondly, thirdly, fourthly…
Raj Patel's first book, Stuffed and Starved: The Hidden Battle for the World Food System, can be read as a ten-chapter exegesis on the ills of global capitalism, as manifested by its gut-wrenching stranglehold over…