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Posts published in “Features”

A Tart Winter

O the two-edged sword of surviving, the melancholy shawl of never having enough when comparing your crude faith to the sublime shades of the bus shelter come-on.

Synanon Foundation Inc.

We lived in a building called the Delmar Club. The Delmar Club sits at the base of Santa Monica Boulevard. It was once a private beach club boasting an all white clientele including Ronald Reagan. No Jews at the Delmar Club.

Guns, Butter and Inner Preparedness

Mendoland is gearing up for Y2K, stockpiling rice right along with apocalyptic homilies in a sort of mounting purplish frenzy. KZYX is abuzz with end-of-the-world…

The Week that Was

Five years ago this Christmas, an elderly aunt of mine from a little town in Illinois came out to Boonville for a visit. Like lots…

Celebrities as News

Any visit to an American newsstand will illustrate the most widespread phenomenon of the times: The print media are runny with the virus of celebrity.…

Carolyn’s Last Stand

Tuesday, about noon, Carolyn Short, pumped the last gallon of gasoline at the Boonville service station she and her late husband Jeff had begun 37…

God & Unions Not Incompatible

In a major ruling on employees first amendment and labor rights, the National Labor Relations board last week rejected a bid by the 7th Day…

The Propaganda Gap

On November 27 the Sacramento Bee quoted John Fisher, co-owner of Mendocino Redwoods and son of Gap Founder Don Fisher of the Fisher family (estimated…

Off the Top (December 16, 1998)

MONDAY, in Ten Mile Justice Court, Dominic Affinito entered a not guilty plea to a charge of simple battery on Fort Bragg councilman-elect, Dan Gjerde.…
