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Posts published in “Features”

River Views

Hiking is in my blood, from the Highlands of Scotland to the Burren of western Ireland. One of my great uncles, Alec Robertson oft times strode from Rockport to the Albion River and back for…

Bach & Security

As has become even clearer this Fourth of July with the ongoing saga of fugitive whistleblower Edward Snowden playing out on the world stage, what was celebrated on Independence Day in America is not independence…

Mendocino County Today: July 10, 2013

AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED, The County Of Mendocino (and Auditor Controller Meredith Ford acting in her official capacity), is being sued by the cities of Ukiah, Fort Bragg and Willits. All counties in California charge a…

Interdependence Day

A very large though not especially tall man is blocking the open doorway of Mendocino’s recently enlarged GoodLife Café and Bakery. This very large man is in his late thirties, I would guess, with short…


Once again, I feel absolutely compelled to respond to another of Mark Scaramella’s front page articles, this one in the July 3rd edition, on boozing in Mendocino County. I believe that I am in a…

Mendocino County Today: July 9, 2013

WILL PARRISH was released from the County Jail on his own recognizance last Wednesday (July 3rd.) Parrish, also known as Red Tail Hawk, writes on environmental matters for the AVA. He'd been arrested for strapping…

Mendocino County Today: July 8, 2013

OUR SUPERVISORS will hold a closed-door meeting Monday at 11am. The agenda includes three items: labor negotiations and two court cases to be discussed with the county's legal counsel. The first case lists the cities…
