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Posts published in “Features”

National Notes

Many people go through life rehearsing a role they feel that the fates have in store for them, and I've long thought that Christopher Hitchens has been asking himself for years how it would feel to plant the Judas kiss

The Queen of Coyote Valley

Nobody really gives a damn about the Indians. They’re invisible until some tumultuous event like the 1995 shootings in Round Valley gets every one tut-tutting…

Mike Sweeney Responds

This is a response to Bruce Anderson's article. I did not bomb Judi Bari, or write any of the letters. There is no credible evidence…

Guinea Pigs

The New York Post has, quite rightly, been raising a fuss over the disclosure that patients in the state health system are being dosed with…

Free Enterprise, Fort Bragg Style

In 1992, Patsy Burlesci was operating the Mendocino Popcorn Company in Fort Bragg’s Depot mini-mall. Mrs. Burlesci was also a foster parent and daycare operator.…

UPS Fiasco

Internet shopping — I confess. I did it. Sort of. My old Mac Plus is still a good typewriter, but it’s not internet-capable. (In fact,…

Y2K? Why Not?

Mendoland is gearing up for the Y2K crisis in its usual ways: inflated rhetoric with a sub-theme of muted hysteria and meetings. Folks as diverse…

Ten Points on Clinton

So the majority supports Bill Clinton. Platonists and small-d democrats well know, however, that majorities have been deadly wrong in the past
