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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: July 31, 2013

THIS JUST IN: Coast fishermen report lots of big salmon but ominously few little salmon. No babies would seem to mean that good as this salmon season is, next year's probably won't be very good…

River Views

We’ve slid down a long, slippery slope since the days of the Free Speech Movement in Berkeley and mainstream reporters like Dan Rather turning President Nixon’s own words around to sarcastically imply that the leader of the free world was running from grand jury and congressional investigations.

Valley People

ROBERT TOMPKINS, 74, has died at his Philo home. Mr. Tompkins is survived by his wife, Shirley, and his son, Chris Tompkins, owner-operator of Northwest Tire and Oil, Philo. THAT HEAVY SMOKE up and down…

Sunshine In A Minor Key

Whether on silver screen or in symphony hall, it can be a curse to be type cast. So consummately did Bach play the part of a composer of learned fugues that his lighter side is…

Mendocino County Today: July 30, 2013

THAT LETHAL FIVE-CAR pile-up on Highway 20 near the Potter Valley turn-off? Captain Randy Johnson of the Mendocino County Sheriff's Department kicked it off when he stopped to make a left turn into his private,…

Mendocino County Today: July 29, 2013

ACCORDING to an AP report that claims AP has “exclusive survey data,” (data they paid for) four out of five American adults “struggle with joblessness, near-poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of…

Mendocino County Today: July 28, 2013

THE RECENT WILLITS NEWS editorial about last week’s arrest of the paper’s photographer, Mr. Eberhard, at the Willits Bypass construction site, says the Bypass is needed to relieve the overload on Willits streets from Highway…
