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Posts published in “Features”

Baseball and the Bull Market

I talked with my neighbor, Jeff, today about the impending baseball season. He knows I’m an avid sports fan and figured I could help him…

Pol Brennan Interview

I was born in 1953 in Belfast, and grew up in an area called Ballymurphy, which is West Belfast. That area was built primarily for…

Biology Is No Excuse for Darwinism

[Book Review of "Leonardo’s Mountain Of Clams And The Diet Of Worms" (1998) by Stephen Jay Gould.] Stephen Jay Gould is more than just America’s…

The World Has Gone Bananas

The US government wants Cuba to convert to capitalism. Cuba wants to stay socialist. Cuba accuses four dissidents of plotting to stop foreign investment from…

Spring Hopes Eternal

O the excessive wretchedness! O the cold and sallow breath of moneys grim and monopolistic temper, the libertine specter of suicide curtsying nigh in the…

“Use My Name and You’re Dead Meat”

A grim-faced Dominic Affinito, flanked by a pair of attorneys from the Ukiah law offices of Jared Carter, appeared in Fort Bragg’s Ten Mile Court…

Banker Dunham as Metaphor

Banker Norman Clow takes a bit of umbrage at Part I of “Fort Bragg Fires” where the AVA outlined Savings Bank Manager Bill Dunham's predatory…


When I worked for the American Petroleum Institute (the AMA of Big Oil) I was asked to evaluate a “documentary” on the smog in Los…

The China Trade

One of the most enduring farces in American foreign policy has been underway in China this week: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright allegedly engaging in…
