REVISITING BASSLER Dear AVA, A few months ago, I read Allman and Spark's hastily written how-to on catching a mentally ill killer, who also happened to be an excellent tracker and survivalist outwitting inner-city swat…
Posts published in “Features”
ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED for August 5th, Will Parrish’s trial is now slated for Monday, September 16th at 9am at the Mendocino County Courthouse. Will is being charged with 12 counts of Unlawful Entry, two counts of…
DUCK AND COVER When the bomb drops, Admiral A.G. Cook, civil defense director, suggests San Franciscans lie down with the lions. The lion house at Fleishhacker Zoo is one of 59 public fallout shelters he…
A SCREAM IN THE NIGHT. A man doing a night time owl survey for the Mendocino Land Trust near the tracks on the Willits end of the Skunk line back on May 31st heard what…
THE LATEST FROM THE WILLITS BYPASS PROTESTS. Ripper Restrained from Destroying Hillside at Caltrans Bypass Site In yet another stealthy pre-dawn action, protesters against the Caltrans bypass around Willits again snuck onto the construction site,…
SUPES REJECT COSTCO-AT-MASONITE PROPOSAL. Supervisor Pinches was unable to find a second to his motion to invite the present Ohio-based owners of the 79-acre Masonite property north of Ukiah “to request a meeting to discuss…
NSA INC. Dear Editor: Edward Snowden, who deserves a medal for exposing NSA's big brother surveillance on American citizens, is discovering the life of a whistleblower can be a very unpleasant life. In particular, the…