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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Aug 17, 2016)

INCUMBENTS Hammerstrom and Deitz apparently are not running for re-election to the Fort Bragg City Council. Gressert, Johnson and Menzies are running. Heidi Kraut is expected to sign up by the Wednesday sign-up deadline. Mr. Johnson was the finance person for the City before he retired. He knows where the fiscal bodies are buried, and for that reason along will get the support of clear-thinking Fort Bragg people, as will the fiery Mr. Gressett.

Off the Record (Aug 10, 2016)

AS THE SS TRUMP runs up on the rocks, is anybody surprised that lots of big shot Republicans are going over to Hillary? And/or plotting to somehow dump Trump? Both parties are more alike than they are different, the Republicans being more retro on social issues, but the first allegiance of both parties is to the oligarchy. But Trump is a true wild card. He even scares his fellow oligarchs who much prefer the dependably pliable Hillary.

Off the Record (Aug 3, 2016)

RICHARD SHOEMAKER, former supervisor from the Ukiah area and career holder of upper echelon public jobs, is Point Arena's "part-time" manager at $50,000 a year. (His girlfriend is Fort Bragg City Manager Linda Ruffing, who…

Off the Record (July 27, 2016)

“BASED ON THE ANALYSIS provided by Mendocino County HHSA, the projected annual cost for staffing and operating a 16-bed psychiatric facility in Mendocino County would be $6,703,095…” SO BEGINS the fiscal analysis done by County…

Off the Record (July 20, 2016)

SUCH IS THE DEMAND that something be done about the woeful and ineffective treatment of the County's mentally ill, that the Sheriff and a small group of helpers had no trouble gathering double the number…

Off the Record (July 13, 2016)

AS BERNIE goes over to Hillary and establishes himself as one of our doomed country's more spectacular sell-outs, there's nothing left to say other than we predicted The Bern's capitulation when he first announced, declaring…

Off the Record (July 6, 2016)

ERIC DWYER, Fort Bragg inn manager and frequent presenter at Fort Bragg City Council meetings, was in and out of the County Jail recently on vague charges described as “threats to commit crimes resulting in…
