IF MENDOCINO COUNTY got cut off from the rest of Trumplandia tomorrow, our survival chances would be pretty good, what with our numerous small farms, our plethora of citizens with practical skills, our olive orchards and, best of all, more quality booze per capita than any place in the world including Scotland.
Posts published in “Off the Record”
A TRUCK & TRAILER FIRE Sunday afternoon on the Willits Grade quickly became so large CalFire awarded it its own name. The “Grade Fire.” It burned in a northeasterly direction towards Redwood Valley and had…
THE CASPAR INN closed a few months ago, but we only heard about it recently when the Caspar's former owner, Peter Lit, stopped by to chat. Too bad. The Caspar, under Lit's management, was the…
BE THERE! Where? An exhibit of Virginia Sharkey's paintings opens this Thursday at the Partners Gallery, 335 N. Franklin, Fort Bragg. Runs through July. The kid can paint! You won't be disappointed. CONFIRMING ancient suspicions, “The Mendocino…
THE MORE THINGS change….. The Vagrancy Act 1824 was an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom that made it an offence to sleep rough or beg. Anyone in England and Wales found to be…
A STOLEN 18-WHEELER has fouled the cleanest stretch of the South Fork of the Eel west of Laytonville near the Heath Angelo Preserve. The stolen truck collapsed the old Jacks of Heart bridge and went…
FROM LAST WEDNESDAY’S Press Democrat: "The city is collecting data to understand just how much time police officers and firefighters spend responding to calls involving homelessness — and whether there are better ways to solve…