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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (Sep. 13, 2017)

BOONDOGGLE ALERT! Agenda Item 4w on Tuesday’s Supe’s agenda: Approval of Agreement with Mendocino County Office of Education in the Amount of $175,000 to Provide CalFresh Outreach Services to School Children in Mendocino County for…

Off the Record (Sep. 6, 2017)

THE WAY WE LIVE NOW. Fred Gardner writes: Justin B., 19, has always been a bicycle person. He works at a bike store in Salem, Oregon and takes long road trips with friends whenever he…

Off the Record (Aug. 30, 2017)

YOU SAY SUPE'S meetings are boring. Not the August 22 meeting, which featured both a Mendo First and an Only In Mendo. SUPERVISOR JOHN McCOWEN began what became a memorable session of the typically plodding…

Off the Record (Aug. 23, 2017)

WAS RUFFING PUSHED or did she jump? I'm guessing the Fort Bragg City Manager was pushed then, assured of a soft landing onto a cash-stuffed mattress, jumped. It would have gone like this: "Look, Linda,…

Off The Record (Aug. 9, 2017)

I THOUGHT it was my very own conspiracy theory until a friend told me that he’d heard basically the same thing from Alex Jones, the mega-loon, and the go to guy for lots of Mendo…

Off the Record (Aug. 2, 2017)

THE SPANISH LANGUAGE INTERPRETER for the Superior Court in Ukiah went on strike this morning, Monday, July 31st, citing long-standing discriminatory labor practices. The strike was part of a statewide effort by court staff interpreters…
