MY FAVORITE local attorney, far and away, has always been Jared Carter, the go to guy for the Northcoast’s forces of destruction. The old boy’s getting on, but in his prime at public meetings, his…
Posts published in “Off the Record”
JOE WILDMAN: It is with a very heavy heart that I relay to you the news that Joe Louis Wildman passed away this morning (4/4). His health has been problematic of late and a recent…
SIGNS OF THE TIMES, add this one found under a Ukiah bridge on an abandoned diner seat cushion: “My name is Kam. I'm really lost! Someone, anyone, come find me at North Cow Mountain. Please…
IT WOULD be interesting to learn where Mendo people get their covid information. Nothing against the Mendo medical apparatus, whose meandering directives are confusing and often contradictory, but I go to Fauci for the general…
JUDGE BRENNAN has recused himself from the Caspar dog shooter case. Judge Moorman is now in charge of the grisly matter that managed to outrage animal lovers as far away as England. Brennan has apparently…
THE RE-DO of Ukiah's unplanned, chaotic State Street these days seems like some kind of a grand, unending practical joke, and it's not going to work when, if ever, it's complete. Narrowing the street to…
MOST PLACES the following would be considered news. Not in Mendo, with the exception of the Boonville and Laytonville weeklies: Closed Session Item 9c: Report out of Closed Session Tuesday, February 23, 2021, by County…
MILL CREEK is a Ukiah feeder stream to the Russian River. Used to be lush with fish, running down out of the west hills, across the valley floor and on into the rushin' Russian. These…