BIDEN honored the nation's war dead on Memorial Day by taking part in a ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery, where he said Americans have long fought for “rule…
Posts published in “Off the Record”
THE MEDIA are never more shameless than in the aftermath of a mass shooting. The Bay Area stations have presented pretty much the same info for 48 hours now, but were a full day behind…
A WILDLAND/VEGETATION FIRE broke out in rugged slash and timber in steep terrain off Tomki Road southeast of Willits around 10am last Friday morning. By Friday evening the “Tomki fire” lines were holding at around…
RUMOR awaiting a yea or nay from the KZYX politburo says the semi-public radio station is leaving Philo for new headquarters in Ukiah. At its murky beginnings thirty years ago by a hustling Boonville Republican…
GENTLEMAN GEORGE HOLLISTER, the sage of Comptche (and President of the Local Farm Bureau), got it right. Responding to Mark Scaramella's article (“Welcome to Mendo, Mr. Grewal,” GG noted: “As a government outsider, my impression…
SAVING HEADWATERS, a look back. Which is probably a look forward to what will happen at Jackson State Forest despite the opposition to logging 500 acres of it. (State reps McGuire and Wood are of…
STEVE TALBOT ALERTS US: Vietnam veterans protest film — Fifty years ago this month, Vietnam vets came to Washington, DC to protest the war in Vietnam. It remains the most dramatic, memorable demonstration I ever…
JACKSON DEMONSTRATION STATE FOREST was purchased by the state in 1947 to “demonstrate” sound logging practices. CalFire has assumed responsibility for forest management, offices on North Main, Fort Bragg. The state says Jackson has always…