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Posts published in “Off the Record”

Off the Record (March 23, 2022)

PUTIN'S WAR ON UKRAINE is, by itself, a major crime and, potentially, this time next year we could be roasting squirrels over open pit fires…

Off the Record (March 16, 2022)

IN A LOT OF WAYS, Mendocino County is like Catherine the Great’s Potemkin Villages, fake-front villages erected on her majesty’s path whenever she went on…

Off the Record (March 9, 2022)

DENNIS CUNNINGHAM: San Francisco civil-rights lawyer Dennis Cunningham died of cancer Saturday night. Local friends of Dennis will gather at Big River Beach at sunset…

Off the Record (March 2, 2022)

THERE’S MORE OPPOSITION on the streets of Moscow to the Russian invasion of Ukraine than there was in the US over the regime change operation…

Off the Record (February 23, 2022)

EMERALD SUN SETS: A couple of licensed Mendo pot growers who were supplying primo bud to Emerald Sun, the newish Ukiah bud wholesaler, tell us…

Off the Record (February 16, 2022)

RECOMMENDED VIEWING. I never thought Bill Cosby was funny — all that cutesy mugging — and only caught glimpses of him over the years, not…

Off the Record (February 9, 2022)

QUICK WATER & WEATHER REPORT Currently, Lake Mendocino has 43,232 acre feet behind the dam with an overall capacity of 118,000 acre feet, which means…

Off the Record (February 2, 2022)

THE GRANDKIDS came home with a note announcing that an Asian woman is giving a class for parents called, “How to raise a non-racist child.”…

Off the Record (January 26, 2022)

BOB MCKEE HAS PASSED. For those of us in Southern Humboldt, it is as if a library burned or a giant tree uprooted. The landscape…

Off the Record (January 19, 2022)

THE TRUE STATE of the County, and the country for that matter, is neatly summed up by this letter from Mr. Eloherry: “Editor: I saw…

Off the Record (January 12, 2022)

THE DEMOCRATS are complaining that the January 6th slob-mob riot at Congress was an attempt by Trump and his Trumpers to overturn the election results.…
