MARIANNE MCGEE on the local dems recent endorsements of Trevor Mockel and Maureen Mulheren:
I am absolutely disgusted with the endorsements of the Democratic Central Committee, especially refusing to endorse Bernie Norvell. He’s done more positive actions for the City of Fort Bragg than anyone I’ve seen in the 25 years I lived here. I will never support any of the people on that list or anyone they represent. I’m in total shock and shows me they don’t care about Mendocino County and the disaster we’re in!!! Shame on all of you!!

SOME of you will recall that our supervisors unanimously endorsed Trevor Mockel before the perpetually beaming candidate officially announced he was a candidate for First District supervisor. The tiny minority of people who pay attention to the supervisors wondered, “What the hell? Who's this guy?”

TURNS out Mockel had briefly worked for state senator Mike McGuire who, obviously, instructed the politically ambitious but going nowhere 5th District supervisor, Ted Williams, that he, McGuire, sure would like it if the five Democrat automatons dysfunctioning as supervisors endorsed the Redwood Valley lad of no experience of county affairs or any prior indication of interest in same because, uh, because I said so, that's why.
MOCKEL issued a jubilant press release to no applause, announcing his premature anointment as supervisor because State Senator McGuire, also a guy who wears a permanent grin on his unlined, insincere puss, had directed Supervisor Williams to fix Mockel's endorsement with Williams' inattentive, disinterested colleagues. Which Williams duly did because he and the other four are Democrat-approved.
WILLIAMS, in a fit of megalomania, has since announced that he is a candidate for the state assembly whose current occupant, a Healdsburg dentist named Wood, said he was retiring to take care of his aged mother. A week later Wood announced that he'd been appointed to another state function that pays better than dentistry with no real responsibility and is even less demanding than occasional wine drunks with Mendolib's herd bulls.
WOOD'S MOM? I've noticed a well-dressed senior in downtown Healdsburg with what appears to be her belongings in a Safeway cart, but surely she can't…
ALL OF THIS political hustling is brought to us by a small group of Democrat shot-callers who create candidates like Mockel, a construct even less plausible than Wood, McGuire and Congressman Bombs Away Huffman, as vapid a trio of career officeholders unseen on the Northcoast since Doug Bosco, Dan Hauser and Wes Chesbro.
THE SUPERVISORS are supposed to be a locally-focused, non-partisan elected body, not a Democrat playground, partly orchestrated out of two empty offices in the Ukiah cave complex on School Street where Wood and McGuire maintain, at public expense, two offices where no visitor ever appears and the phones never ring.
IF MOCKEL is elected First District supervisor over the two fully-qualified, knowledgeable candidates in Carrie Shattuck and Adam Gaska, Mendo will have gone all the way over into Democrat Biden-ism. (Defined as a combination of incompetence leavened with an utter moral and ethical bankruptcy.)
A SURE FIRE way to know who to vote for is to figure out which candidate is opposed by the supervisors and the local Democrat apparatus then vote for that person. Carrie Shattuck is actually feared by the local political blob because she's smart and thoroughly informed on local matters. And she's a tough, no bullshit person unlike any female who's ever functioned as supervisor in this county, a low bar for sure but still… Adam Gaska is also smart and thoroughly informed on local matters, but more acceptable in the dependably passive-aggressive, smiley-faced ambiance of local politics in which the unprepared person better wear his/her kevlar vest backwards, because the shivs always come from behind. I like both of them, but if I were a resident of the First District I'd vote for Carrie.
IN THE SECOND DISTRICT we have new guy Jake Brown, combat Marine, taking on incumbent Mo Mulheren. Brown should get the nod solely because he hasn't been a member of this board, the worst in the history of Mendocino County.
YEARS AGO, when I regularly attended the soporific, pro forma meetings of the County School Board, I would rise to denounce the agency as, well, a den of thieves. A couple of the more egregious crooks were eventually packed off to jail, and my accusations were partially vindicated, at least to my satisfaction, my standards being self-imposed and forever at odds with those prevailing at the Mendocino County Office of Education.
WHENEVER I STOOD to bark at the County School Board about the latest wrinkle in the nickel and dime scamming our alleged educational leadership specialized in, a little old lady would rise to say, “Pish-posh. Please ignore that man. None of what he says could possibly be true.” Then the chairperson would say, “Next we have agenda item 3122 — board and staff in-service at the Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas.”
AS AN OLD SCHOOL GUY, I couldn't very well jump the old lady’s bones in front of witnesses, so I'd keep quiet. She and I were usually the only people present other than the people paid to be present. Our point-counterpoint went on for years. I’d register my complaints, the old lady would totter up to the podium to console the “educators”' that they were all “doing a fine job for our children.”
FINALLY DAVID COLFAX and Don “Donny The Botanist” Lipmanson were elected to the board and they took up the fight, saving me the commute to Talmage. I don’t recall how I finally learned that the little old lady who’d been on my case for years was the mother of two persons who worked for the County Office of Ed, whose lush headquarters at Talmage, btw, were housed in the expensively redone dairy of the old state hospital. (Nothing is too good for Our Nation's Future!)
THE OLD DEAR instantly grew in stature with me when I finally made the family connections. For years she’d sat through endless hours of inane edu-babble from truly awful people solely out of devotion to her family, waiting patiently, even stoically, to cancel whatever I had to say. To her, I must have seem poised to snatch the food right out of her family’s mouths, the roof from over their heads, their dog from the family hearth. That, my friends, is Family Values!
TWO California Democrats, Huffman and Thompson, both on board for the genocide underway in Gaza, want to rename the main trail in Headwaters Forest Reserve (Humboldt County) after the late Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and another example of the insensate pair's priorities.
BUT SURE. Why not? After all, it was Mr. and Mrs. Feinstein who steered the mega-ripoff in1999 that gave $580 million public dollars to a Texas swindler called Charles Hurwitz for 7,472 acres of HumCo forest he'd acquired via junk bonds. Mr. Feinstein was a buddy of Hurwitz, the two having done business deals together.
ELEANOR COONEY: Okay, my merry men and women, here's the latest: I collaborated with Art Ruben to write a novel based on his extraordinary actual life story. All you Baby Boomers will resonate with this tale, which takes place in the 50s and 60s, but it's for any smart grownup reader who digs a great character-driven story and good writing. Not for the PC, pearl-clutchers or the faint of heart! We're envisioning a Netflix series, at the very least. Think: Philip Roth meets The Wire. Some of the best writing I've ever done is between these covers.
Go to and read the book description, and just try to resist!
ED NOTE: If Eleanor says it's good, it's good.
MALCOLM MACDONALD: My collection of true-life tales from around the county, Mendocino History Exposed, is now available at The Book Juggler in Willits. If you want to get lost in a book store, this is the place for you. Walk in at 182 S. Main Street in Willits only a mile or so south from the culminating events of Chapter X, “The Bridge,” in Mendocino History Exposed.
Check out the website at: or give them a call, 707-459-4075, to get hold of this great read for yourself or as a holiday gift for others.
“I don't think Hippie had to die — I think it was the women who killed it.
In every space I've been in — any time women have a large voice or say, things get worse. Worse because things get more disorganized, slower to resolve, more dramatic – less action. Men want results. Women want to talk about it. Men will kick a problem out. Women will think “it’s mean to kick the taker out.” Seems to apply to society as well — the more feminine a society becomes, the worse it feels. The less order and structure there is — and the hippies more than anyone needed that structure, structure isn't bad, hierarchy isn't bad, when it's based on legitimate skill, knowledge, and ability. But “IT FEELS BAD” — so says femininity — IT FEELS BAD AND HURTS FEELINGS. So we don't do it …and we slowly let everything ROT from inside because we have no more STANDARDS — even hippies had standards — but TOLERANCE was a weapon. Tolerance, Kindness, and BEING NICE = collapse and chaos. Takers have to be kicked out. Yes, it's mean. But we needed that order. We needed rules to live a new way — we needed order to our new revolutionary thought. Instead we got a lot of FEELINGS and because of that, we forewent doing the RIGHT thing in exchange for doing the NICE thing…
Good =/= Nice. And that was the Hippie’s problem. They let women run the show, feelings run the show, and it collapsed. Dreadfully so. BUT!! The good news is that New Age Hippies (or w/e you want to call us) have learned from the OG Hippie’s mistakes — we call your mistakes out, we see what you did wrong — we see you involved the wrong people, bad people, lazy people, soft and weak people — and it ruined you.
So thank you for your example. We’ll be sure to steer clear.
Our commune very much has a hippie vibe — BUT ALSO — we have order, we have rules, and weak, softness has no room here. Everything is objective. You met the standard box, or you didn't and you get kicked out.
And frankly I’m sure you and some readers will take exception to what I wrote and say how wrong and blind and hateful and bla bla bla I am — AND YET — Hippie is dead, that much is known. Who killed Hippie, well, we’ll just have to have our own opinions on the issue, but I think if someone is honest with themselves, they will fully admit what I'm saying is true. That isn't to say, to be clear, that women ARE a problem or bad or w/e. I love women lol. It's just to say that when a movement, or organization, or group, or culture, or society lets women into a leading role, it stagnates and dies, problems aren't dealt with, and bad people aren't handled quickly “because it's mean and hurts feelings.” Yea, well it killed Hippie. So clearly I'm not 100% wrong.”
RUMOR of the week: “Heard today at the Point Arena city council meeting: Point Arena is one payroll away from bankruptcy. I think the financial situation in Point Arena is newsworthy, but I never see or hear anything about it in the news I’m reading or listening to. Maybe I need to change the station…”
SOURCES of the impeccable type say Assistant Mendo DA Dale Trigg has accepted a job with Sonoma County. Trigg has been Whisper to the DA's Shout. Whisper and Shout made a good team. The volcanic DA seems more and more isolated, mentally closing in on Captain Queeg territory. Steel balls as the DA's stocking stuffer?
A LOCAL OLD TIMER tells a story about when he was a kid out in Yorkville, circa 1920. One day, for the pure heck of it, he and a friend rigged a stick of dynamite in a tree and blew it up, causing adults all the way from Boonville to come running and providing a couple of twelve-year-olds a heck of a good time. These days, if a kid so much as implies that he’d like to do something that causes an adult the slightest emotional turbulence he is promptly cordoned off for hours of investigation by the authorities, heavy on the helping professionals.
SOMEWHERE in the therapeutic process, the perp, alleged or real, will be put on dope.
COUPLA cases in point. Four twelve-year-old boys at a Redding junior high school managed to make the wire services a while ago for slipping laxatives into a substitute teacher’s drink. (I remember a Boonville kid who pooped in the teacher’s coffee cup, but Boonville kids being made of sterner stuff, nobody snitched the pooper off.)
BUT UP IN REDDING, the entire school went on red alert until the four laxative commandos were identified by a therapist-in-training, who’d not only warned the teacher not to drink the laxative-laden drink, but gave her the names of the culprits.
IT GOT WORSE. Even though the teacher hadn’t touched a drop of the E-Lax cocktail, the faculty of the Redding school wanted the four boys expelled. There was a special hearing before the school board and, over the stated objections of teachers and administrators, the four pranksters were allowed to stay in school.
A NUT CASE of a principal, told an incredulous media, “Many on the staff do feel that the students should have been removed from Sequoia because they considered it an assault on the teacher. It was not a funny prank. It was really vicious and potentially harmful.”
UH, NO, principal. Cyanide in the teacher’s drink would have been vicious and harmful, not a coupla tabs of X-Lax.
THE POINT? The point you garrulous old coot? A friend of mine is fighting off a school district that wants to put his kid on Ritalin, pharmaceutical speed. His kid is a normal and normally active boy. It is normally active male children who get doped up everywhere in this country, and even with a ton of sensible literature screaming that little kids shouldn't be drugged, it continues everywhere.
COMPARING almost any California county’s recycling program with Mendocino County’s is to realize how deficient Mendocino County’s is. For example: In San Francisco, a resident can call an 800 number and, often that very day, a couple of guys will appear and haul off any used-up, non-functioning, large-sized appliance. Free! In Mendocino County? Well, there’s almost as many abandoned refrigerators alongside our back roads as there are redwood trees. To legally dispose of old refrigerators and stoves in Mendocino County, one pays with one’s body parts — the proverbial arm and a leg.
The Mendocino Coast Humane Society is having a fundraiser party on New Year's Eve. For information and tickets, go to It was great fun last year and will be even better this year.
Jane, Member Board of Directors, MCHS
(1) MIKE KALANTARIAN: My abiding memory of the San Francisco Giants’ “Telephone” Park (I can’t keep up with all the name changes) is the smell of sewage. Unmistakable and strong, the horrible stench welcomes you right out front, along the Embarcadero, just before you gain entrance. You would think managing shit would be a civic priority. You would think… It’s a good indicator of the state of the city.
(2) ANON: All these downtown ballparks are suffering from homelessness and crime. The professional teams in Washington D.C., all of them NBA, MLB, NHL and NFL are looking to move to out of the city to Virginia. Maybe that’s why Shotani signed with Dodgers. You can literally take a freeway exit, drive up a hill into a ravine. Far away from the hell that is Los Angeles. Buster is probably trying to share a little reality with people.
ED REPLY: That downtown sewage stench, especially along the Embarcadero, has persisted for years. Its origins seem to be the treatment plant up on Bay Street, not far from the water. Years ago, The City issued a presser calling for suggestions as to which odor-disguising scent citizens might prefer, a kind of suffusing Febreze, but the choices, as I recall, were among ice cream flavors, of all substances, and a vigorous argument ensued among the various partisans of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry. Some people said their enjoyment of ice cream had been destroyed forever, but most people were fiercely divided over which of the three scents to adopt. The City gave up, and here we are. I thought, and still think, that the Embarcadero air had never been more bracing, more welcoming than when the Old Hills Brothers plant was located not far from where the ballpark is now. On roasting days the air was exhilarating. You didn't have to wake up to smell the coffee, you were the coffee.
SAN FRANCISCO supervisor, Dean Preston, was quoted in the Chron recently saying that The City’s homelessness was “absolutely the result of capitalism,” and that it was “counterproductive” to arrest people openly doing drugs.
PRESTON'S District 5 includes the Tenderloin District, an area nationally, perhaps even internationally, known given The City's millions of foreign visitors, for its open-air drug market. Nearly half of the city’s homeless population lived in Preston’s district in 2022, according to the Chron.
SUPERVISOR PRESTON identifies as a democratic socialist. Me too, but I think he's too pessimistic. Capitalism, our version of it, mos def is organized in a way that enhances mental illness — atomization and everything else from weak family structures to drugs to David Muir and Oprah, all of it encourages millions to zone out, to despair, to commit living suicide.
WHERE I DISAGREE is the supervisor's fatalistic assumption that the problem is intractable, that we can't arrest our way out of it. Even in our system of imploding capitalism, there's no excuse for homelessness and all the other outdoor pathologies.
ARREST would be Step One. Step Two would be placement in a hospital structure where the arrestee could regain him and herself. Which is what we used to do even under capitalism, but that was when the wolves of free enterprise were prevented from eating the whole country. They've since feasted.
BUT STEP TWO, and Preston is correct, in this country at this time, arrest is not doable because, then what? Catch and release, which is what we have now because the rich no longer pay their share of the social load. When they did pay, and paid mightily, we had functioning systems of mental hospitals.
BUT SINCE THEN, the wolves have eaten the whole system, hence today's open air asylums. Other capitalist countries manage to care and treat their victims. Our capitalist country lets people die on the street because we are gulled into believing there's no money to do anything else.
IT'S SHEN YUN season, the Chinese dance troupe constantly advertised on television that promises you will “experience China before communism.” Tickets start at $80, but if you stay at home and don't eat for three months you can get a pretty good idea of what China was like before communism.
JUST TO KEEP up with The Enemy, I log an hour or so a week of Fox News and News Max. Both entities yearn for the return of Trump. By contrast, MSNBC and CNN and The New York Times, pretend Biden is a functional president and pretend it will be Biden and Trump in a '24 rerun, America's grim Hobson's Choice. I predict that Biden will be bundled off stage any time now and Newsom will be the Democrat's candidate for president.
GAZING AT FOX/NEWSMAX Friday morning, both stations had interrupted their scheduled programming to bring their viewers Melania Trump, live, welcoming new citizens. Melania delivered an untrue riff on her alleged struggles to become a citizen and how grateful she was to have become one of us while her husband and both Fox and NewsMax railed about “the invasion at our southern border.”
NOT TO BE too cynical about the leadership, but it seems to me that the forces of the apocalypse have been up and galloping for at least a half century now, that the difference between Biden and Trump, or Newsom and Trump, is that Trump will get us to greater disasters faster than Newsom. They're both funded by and loyal to the people who have gotten us to the edge of the precipice.
BACK IN 2000, the supervisors voted to hire a consultant to advise them on the best way to care for Mendocino County’s population of the mentally ill, one of whom happened to be their colleague and the other four… well, let's not be judgmental.
THOSE OF US who are now at the very top of the actuarial tables will remember when California enjoyed what was called a state hospital system, collections of secure but aesthetically-pleasing structures arrayed on park-like grounds, the whole resembling a college campus.
WHY, wouldn't you just know we even had a branch of the hospital system just east of Ukiah at a place called Talmage — a beautiful architectural skein of mission-style buildings amid towering elms and meticulously maintained lawns and gardens. The premises even included a working farm and a perfect little baseball field. (The hospital fielded a competitive semi-pro team, as did San Quentin. The overall operating assumption was that dependent people were also human beings.)
MENDOCINO COUNTY could have purchased the newly abandoned state hospital at Talmage for a token $1. But Mendo, with typical foresight, rejected this almost unbelievable gift, voted it down for fear of maintenance costs. Buddhists were subsequently undeterred and snatched up the premises.
THE LIBERALS, career office-holding branch, as some of us will recall, had conspired with the Reagan-ites back in the early 1970s to free the mentally ill from treatment in stable, secure settings like Talmage and put them on drugs so they could enjoy life “in the community.”
SO, in 2000, as the mentally ill bedded down on the streets with the outdoor drug community, the Supervisors’ decision to hire a consultant to help the county’s small army of “mental health professionals” deal with an ever-larger number of free range disturbed persons. The result nearly a quarter century later? The small army of walking wounded shuffling up and down State Street today, un-tended to, while the supervisors blah-blah about what to do with the money approved by County voters to house and treat them.
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S unsupported-by-the-obvious-facts decision in the matter of Eyster vs. Cubbison is suspiciously lazy. DA Eyster has had it personally in for Cubbison prior to her being elected to County Auditor because she had the temerity to challenge the DA's chiseling on his reimbursements for, among other unseemly wheedling, Christmas parties passed off as staff trainings. Should a County bean counter approve publicly-funded staff drunks? Most taxpayers would probably say no.
HAS the AG ever intervened in a Mendo matter referred to them? I can't remember one. I think someone in that office opens the mail, says, “Oh, it's Mendocino County again. Nobody cares anyway. Besides, who has ever dared check on us? I? Send the pathetic rubes a copy of Outback Denial 3x. Just put the correct names in the thing.”
CHECK THAT: We thought of two AG interventions, way, way back.
ONE was in the late 1990s when the Coastal Commission and the Attorney General took up Fort Bragg's case against Dominic Affinito and his one-story too tall "North Cliff Motel," which illegally block that City's ocean view to this day. Ultimately, Mendo Judge Conrad Cox of course ruled against Fort Bragg and the Coastal Commission on grounds of “estoppel,” (essentially, what's' done is done) and the AG decided not to appeal it, even though lots of people thought they had a good case.
THE SECOND was a routine marijuana case in the early 2000s when Deputy DA Brian Newman, who had taken a job with the AG's office, took over a case that the local DA's office somehow had a conflict on. We don't recall the outcome of that case.
HOWEVER, WHEN THE JIVE AG was asked for an opinion on whether Mendocino Redwoods was subject to the nuisance provision of local Measure V (declaring their dead and dying hack-&squirt trees a nuisance) a few years ago, it took the AG three years to ultimately declare that they had an unspecified “conflict of interest” (presumably with Mendocino Redwoods) before they copped out and grandly announced that they “declined to offer” an opinion.
[1] I’m well aware this forum is not a personal diary, as some have said, but hey – there are no rules in life, so who the hell cares.
My father died on Friday. He had just turned 76. Mild dizzy spells for a few months prior, then recently diagnosed with blockage in the carotid artery. After a few weeks of tests, they performed surgery to try to clear the blockage, which went well – for about six hours. Then he threw a clot from the surgery and suffered a significant stroke. An immediate second emergency surgery to try again was ultimately unsuccessful in clearing the blockage.
My brother and I were able to spend five days with him and my mom at his bedside. He was responsive with his eyes and left side (he could hold and read cards, work a TV remote, etc), made direct eye contact and could nod and smile as we talked to him. He couldn’t speak, but he tried, and I could tell he was in there and knew what was happening and what we were saying.
He suffered a second stroke on day six, and that did it. He then spent less than two days in hospice before he let go in his sleep. (Before anyone asks, yes, as far as I know he had all the jabs, though that’s inconsequential to me right now. Male strokes run in my family, and I can likely expect one in my future as well…hopefully not so early though.)
I’ve been on auto-pilot for the last few weeks taking care of details for my mom, but now that what’s done is done, I’m just starting to process what this all means. I’m pretty pissed off at a variety of faceless entities, but mainly I’m just resigned and saddened that we will only ever have the past with him now.
My dad was the funniest guy I ever knew. A bit of a mystery, too. But I’d venture to say that he did more to create memories for his wife and boys over the years than most can claim to have even attempted. He only had 6 ½ years to spend with my boy, but it’s clear the same impression was made on him.
So…Peace out, pop. Got it from here…well, until it’s my time someday.
And for what it’s worth, I could give two shits about world politics right now, so that’s a stress reliever in itself. Perspective has been shifted to what matters in daily life, and what we have/don’t have control of. If your parents are still alive, call them and say hello, and perhaps buy them a pint and have another laugh while you can.
[2] We tend to think of the global food crisis as something that is happening on the other side of the world. And it is certainly true that there are vast hordes of impoverished people that are desperate for food in other areas of the planet right now, because hunger is spreading like wildfire in poor countries. But the truth is that hunger is spreading rapidly in the United States as well. According to a report that was just released by the USDA, a whopping 44 million Americans now live in “food insecure households”…
[3] So how much cash did Zelensky end up with yesterday? He was looking for $100 billion. I did see somewhere Biden handed over $200 million out of the petty change jar, but what can you get for $200 million? Not a lot, probably a day's worth of artillery shells and rations for a few weeks. The US is paying the salary of the Ukraine Armed Forces, Civil Service, Social Security, hospital staff & teachers unions. Now that’s running into some serious money. One wonders, where is it all coming from? Have people in DC looked around and noticed how impoverished & squalid our own cities have become? Days are short & winter is closing in as battered & abused Ukrainian soldiers hunker down on the frozen steppe as Russian artillery shells fall on their heads.
[4] I think a lot of people are like me. They know the system is a fraud. They know they are slaves to this beast. They know it is all wrong. But they don’t know what they can do about it. Let’s face it. We are strapped down in an out of control roller coaster with no way to exit. The only thing we can do at this point is hold on and pray we survive the bumps to the end. Or pray that when we crash the end will be sudden and painless.
[5] Get your news from anywhere you can get it.
I watch Fox most of the time and regularly turn it off when the talking heads talk nonsense. I turn on CNN and MSNBC and marvel at the level of bias and sheer stupidity of those talking heads.
Then I realize that the absurdity of these people is signed up to by a majority of the people of this country and get depressed. Not for long. You tube and Apple News give decent coverage, but liberal and disgusting at times. I discontinued the local newspaper years ago as it was absorbed into the Gannet world of misinformation.
Speaking of misinformation, one of the few things I agreed with the academics at my grandson’s graduation is that education is supposed to give you the tools to recognize misinformation. It comes from both sides, It used to be called Bullshit. It is ubiquitous.
[6] Imagine that earth is high school. USA had a rich dad. USA entered Grade 9 with his incineration of approx. 200,000 Japanese in 1945.
USA was “boss.” USA was “cool.” USA was popular. All the guy states wanted to be like USA while all the girl states dreamed of someday birthing his little republics.
Then people started seeing how greedy and selfish the USA was. USA would make promises that it would reap the benefit of and then renege upon (“Indian giver”). USA would regularly beat some poor kid up for whatever he wanted. Plus it became commonly known that USA was a sick pornographer.
USA “had the world by the tail” in Grade 9 but, by the start of Grade 12, he is now shunned as everyone in school knows that he’s a total asshole.
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