Sam Gitchell: There is a huge void in the universe. Albion Icon and the world's best neighbor has passed away at home. Rest in Peace Dear Man. Goodbye John Shandel. He will be dearly missed by many. Praying for his wife Betty and the entire Shandel family in this time of great loss.
Gary Moraga: I'm feeling the void of John Shandel's passing all the way to Mexico. John was my favorite “redneck” by far and hopefully myself his favorite “Hippy.” We became fast friends through our mutual time in the Albion Little River Fire Dept. and time very well spent. John was instrumental in getting my custom milling work off the ground and he was my favorite client. Always more than fair and always a gentleman. John Shandel and Betty: I salute you with all I have.
ARRESTED LAST WEEK: Mohammed Adam, Stone Mountain, Georgia/Laytonville. “Possession of money for use” (in drug transaction, presumably), conspiracy. Abdu Kimo, Clarkston, Georgia/Laytonville. “Possession of money for use” (in drug transaction, presumably), conspiracy. Yohana Sebahtu, Stone Mountain, Georgia/Laytonville. “Possession of money for use” (in drug transaction, presumably), conspiracy.

MAYBE a sign that the Mendo marijuana business is on the rebound? The arrest last week of these three Georgia dudes near Laytonville who were said to be carrying a large amount of cash, how much exactly has not been revealed despite our asking. Georgia's a long way from the Emerald Triangle. Why drive all the way out here with all that cash if not to buy Mendo Mellow, which is what the cops allege?
THE PSYCHOLOGY of Lilliput applies, I think, to DA Eyster. As Mendo's top law enforcement officer in this odd, far-flung jurisdiction of fewer than a hundred thousand people, few of whom pay the slightest attention to local government, is a guy who refuses to speak to anybody critical of him, which leaves the County's, ahem, most prevalent media out in the cold, and hardly for the first time that the Captain Queeg of the County Courthouse and Ukiah's lead lawn guy has banished us from his fervid embrace. But the DA gets away with his self-imposed public silence because who dares challenge the sole Brobdingnagian in Lilliput?
DA BROB'S appearance before his old pal, Judge Faulder, has been postponed. The DA was going to argue that he isn't biased against Ms. Cubbison, that he can fairly prosecute her. I guess the DA will also throw in the cockamamie, pro forma opinion from the State Attorney General's office of time-servers which has magically found that the DA shows no signs of bias against Ms. Cubbison.
NO BIAS? This is institutional-quality delusion. It would take a tiny bit of courage for Judge Faulder to rule against Eyster since they occupy the same premises, but Eyster's unhinged pursuit of Ms. Cubbison is obvious to everyone else in and out of the County Courthouse.
BACK IN MID-OCTOBER, Eyster said accusations that “he was out to get” Cubbison were untrue. “Neither my staff nor I have used or will use our positions to seek retribution or purported vendettas against any defendant, public sector or otherwise, here in Mendocino County.” He urged “law-abiding citizens” to “Not be influenced by the misinformation. Not to engage in non-factual speculation. Let the local courts do their job and resolve their matters.”
IN FACT, the DA's office has spent many man hours in pursuit of Cubbison. The DA found that the Sheriff's investigation wasn't good enough for a prosecution so he sicced his investigators on her, first having offered to drop felony charges if she would plead out to a misdemeanor and resign. No bias?
IN A NEW COURT FILING Friday, Cubbison’s attorney Chris Andrian argued that “Mr. Eyster’s retaliatory behavior toward Ms. Cubbison clearly demonstrates that he has an axe to grind with her,” and that he is attempting to prosecute the Auditor for “the same misuse of public funds she alleged of him.”
MIKE GENIELLA: "For Andrian, a noted Sonoma County defense attorney, the filing was a stinging rebuke to the state Attorney General’s decision announced this past Tuesday not to intervene in the case. The AG’s San Francisco office issued an opinion that it found “no actual proof” of conflict on Eyster’s part, and that the DA has not subjected Cubbison to “unfair treatment.”
ANDRIAN said he will ask Judge Faulder, who has the final decision, to formally recuse Eyster from prosecuting the criminal case. Andrian said there in fact is evidence of Eyster’s conflict of interest based on his “prior treatment of Ms. Cubbison,” and his “retaliatory decision to prosecute Ms. Cubbison for the same misuse of public funds she alleged of him.”
NOTE to the defendant community. I've tried to help you folks before with what may seem to you trivial advice, but you've paid no heed, which goes with the lifestyle, I guess, and which gets you busted more than any other single factor. Ready for Uncle Bruce's repeat on how to stay out of jail? This isn't the only way, of course, but here's what I primarily advise: Don't drive around after dark on a rainy winter night, especially a week night when the cops are all dressed up with nothing to do, and here you come, many on parole or probation, no search warrant required, in your rolling felony wagon! A bunch of you are known by sight, off the evidence of the daily booking photos, and the cops know if you're out late you're good at least for misdemeanors and, typically, warrants. Pretext stops, you say? Tail light out on your beater? Slam dunk for the cops, but you do it time after time after time.
REMEMBER KELLI JOHNSON? Ms. Johnson is the young Sacramento attorney who appeared at the Board of Supervisors meeting on the Coast on September 12, 2023 to complain of mistreatment by Sheriff’s deputies.
CLUTCHING figurative pearls, and addressing the dependably credulous supervisors, Ms. Johnson told a harrowing tale of sadistic mistreatment, first by deputies, then recreationally pummeled again and her privates exposed at the County Jail, all of this imposed on her for no reason after she was arrested innocently taking the ocean air on the Mendocino Headlands.
THE BLUE MEANIE brigades instantly mobilized to denounce law enforcement. “My gawd, girl. You're lucky you weren't killed!” And variations thereof.
MS JOHNSON waved photos of her bruises and woofed at the Supervisors that she’d be filing suit against Mendocino County and the Sheriff’s department.
SHERIFF KENDALL calmly responded to Ms. Johnson's fervid allegations that there was much more to the story, and that the interested public should not assume that the imaginative Sacramento attorney was telling the truth. The Sheriff said there were videos of Ms. Johnson's interface with deputies and jailers, both from a civilian witness as well as from the patrol car and jail cameras, which he said he’d be happy to share with the public when the time came.
SINCE the alleged incident we've learned that Ms. Johnson has appeared at several local law enforcement get-togethers where she was bonhomie itself, including one jovial Halloween event where Ms. Johnson arrived in a happy costume, not mentioning her allegedly perilous encounters with Mendo's forces of law and order with whom she exchanged cordial banter.
THREE MONTHS later? Nothing from Ms. Johnson.
UNFORTUNATELY, Ms. Johnson’s original complaint remains as the only public version of events, but the Blue Meanie brigades remain on high alert.
EMPLOYMENT by the County of Mendo, for the unwary, must be like falling into a viper's nest, vipers with spy cameras and secret tape recorders. Male managers must be on constant guard against accusations of sexual misconduct from irresistible co-workers fetchingly arrayed at the water cooler, while female managers must beware of sudden shivs from jealous members of their own gender.
SPEAKING OF REPTILES, that old snake Henry Kissinger might have come in handy these days, as various low ability American reps pledge eternal devotion to Israel as it wipes out Gaza and Gazans as a functioning little country, squeaking as the Israelis carpet bomb one end of Gaza to the other, “Try to avoid civilian casualties.”
AND THE US, which is us, is paralyzed as to what to do about Ukraine beyond feeding it endless funds while much of our own population struggles to get by week-to-week. Kissinger, assuming intelligent direction from the president, which is not presently available, would have surely worked out a ceasefire in Gaza and long ago gotten a viable ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine.
ANYBODY ELSE REMEMBER when Georgia-Pacific was laying off whole shifts of workers G-P hired a guy to shoot pigeons at the Fort Bragg mill, which lots of people would have done for free. Before the old timers are gone, someone oughta write a history of the mill, or at least collect the anecdotes, of which there are many and personal memories are always more fun than a formal history.
ON THE LARGE subject of Mendocino County's most happening town, and while we're strolling Memory Lane, remember when then-4th District supervisor Patti Campbell startled the audience at a Westport candidates’ night by saying she wanted to take the million bucks Caltrans gave back to Fort Bragg in Noyo Bridge mitigations and invest it in a road from Highway One that would loop down around Dominic Affinito’s one story too tall North Cliff Motel and on into Noyo Harbor, outletting at Jim Cummings’ place. The mitigating million was supposed to go for the creation of a topside public park for the enjoyment of the general public, since established, kinda, at the trailhead on the bluffs. But whatever happened to that mitigating million?
WE WILL RECALL that as a Fort Bragg City councilperson, Campbell faithfully ran errands for Affinito and kindred FB big boys as her supervisor successor, Dan Gjerde, nobly fought Affinito so effectively, Affinito assaulted Gjerde in town hall. Got away with it, too.
THE LATE DA NORM VROMAN warned me, circa 2000, that criminally-oriented dudes were doing a lotta loud talk about “getting that Boonville bastard.” Vroman advised me, “Take a gun when you go up there, Bruce.” Guns were Norm's solution to all vexations, and people who saw his gun locker in the Courthouse will remember that Vroman was always momentarily transported at the sight of all that firepower, gazing for a moment at the DA's collection of confiscated weapons.
ANYWAY, PATTI CAMPBELL led the charge for tax-paid roads and water and sewer lines for Affinito’s Glass Beach project, an investment of public funds in Affinito’s private business which soon bankrupted the City of Fort Bragg. But the old cheerleader always insisted that Fort Bragg’s investment in Glass Beach was a terrific deal for the taxpayers.
THE TERRIFIC DEAL? Fort Bragg obligated itself to pay $4 million over 25 years for Glass Beach infrastructure — roads, sewer, water. Fort Bragg also got the privilege of paying Affinito $57,000 for each parcel on which Rural Communities Housing, a charity, erected sweat-equity homes. Affinito had paid about $13,000 per parcel when he bought the area from Georgia-Pacific.
MIRACULOUSLY promoted to supervisor by an amnesiatic Fort Bragg electorate, Campbell wanted to borrow tons of money through what she’d hoped would be a county redevelopment agency (still stumbling towards existence at the time) to extend water and sewer lines south of town where guess who owned property. Campbell seemed surprised when the reform Fort Bragg City Council — Gjerde, Michelle White, Vince Benedetti — rejected a second big handout to Affinito.
BUT NOBODY ever accused Affinito of not being on perpetual red alert for a government handout. Glass Beach Two, Affinito’s big plans for Noyo Harbor, supported by the lead trustee for the Cummings estate, Bob Peterson and, of course Old Faithful Patti Campbell, saw supervisor Campbell appoint Affinito consiglieri Jim Burns to the Noyo Harbor District’s board of directors. Long-time Noyo businessman, the widely respected Tommy Ancona, did not get the Harbor District appointment.
HERE'S WHY BURNS got the nod over Ancona: Burns was the guy who prepared the “financial analysis” that Campbell and Affinito brandished before a bamboozled pre-reform FB City Council to get Fort Bragg’s taxpayers to subsidize Glass Beach One. To Campbell’s confused thinking, Burns was a regular public finance wizard so she returned to Burns and his magic calculator in the hopes of getting Affinito and the Cummings’ combine another big hunk of public money for whatever tax-gobbling schemes they had in mind for Noyo Harbor.
TOMMY ANCONA lived in Fort Bragg. Jim Burns lived in Lake County but Campbell appointed Burns over Ancona on the proposed Noyo Harbor deal.
REMEMBER that creepy Brit calling himself “Master David” who appeared in Fort Bragg to briefly operate an auto repair shop? Master David was subsequently convicted in Sisikyou County of rape and assault and packed off to the state pen for nine years with the proviso that as soon as his sentence was up he be deported to merry old England.
IN MENDOCINO COUNTY, where gurus were plentiful at the time, local publisher Richard Johnson devoted four pages of ads in his occasional paper devoted to the Master David types. Johnson called the insert, “The Confluence Directory,” where cons fluidly took the cash of the gulled and gullible.
MASTER DAVID committed at least two serious assaults on female members of his five-person cult here in Mendo, neither of them prosecuted. Having worn out his welcome in Mendo, the master moved on to Yreka where he promoted himself to “His Holiness Master David.”
HIS HOLINESS' real name was Robert Martin Lloyd, and he was wholly placed behind state prison bars out of Sisikyou County where His Holiness defended himself with the claim that the women he’d beaten and raped “had signed contracts to be beaten.”
I was sitting in my office in Mendocino when the phone rang. It was a representative of someone named Brother David. He explained that Brother David was interested in buying a house I had listed owned by my client and friend, Don Bruce. If it was ok with Mr. Bruce he would arrive by helicopter. His security team would arrive early and would not speak, but would let us know that they were there. At the appointed time the security team arrived and then the helicopter descended. Out of the copter appeared Brother David with a female companion and another male all in white flowing robes. We slowly walked around the property and through the house and then Brother David said he would like to sit down with the owner. Don Bruce, as his friends know, was a straight-shooting man who at times could use “colorful” language. I had advised him earlier that Brother David was a religious man and to be on his best behavior. Brother David explained that he would like to buy the property but that he was selling other properties that would not close for a while. So, he would like to offer a one year lease option with a $50,000 option payment. Don asked if that meant that he had to move out for $50k. Brother David answered that yes he would have to move out. Don Bruce looked him square in the eye and said, “Are you f-ing shitting me?” End of story. Don Bruce 1, Brother David 0. Don had a great bullshit meter. Brother David then went on to open his car repair business in Fort Bragg. (Scott Deitz, Mendocino)
ELEANOR COONEY: Here's what readers are saying on Amazon about IVY HILL:
“What a phenomenal read, takes me back, takes me forward, takes me exactly where I needed to be without knowing it. So, what can I say about this book without ruining it for you? First off, read it yourself. It’s funny, it’s sad, it’s real, it’s life. And, for me anyway, there is a certain familiarity, nostalgia, understanding, and peace. Really good, guys, really good.”
“I read this book in two sittings. Could have done it in one sitting, but I didn't want it to end too quickly. Yes, it is a story of coming of age, but the exceptional insight into each character sets it above other such stories.”
“I couldn’t put it down. And now that I have finished it I feel like I lost a friend.”
“This was a great read…could not put it down…didn’t want to finish it…”
“An easy read because you get totally absorbed in the characters. Very well written.”
MAZIE MALONE. Now if that isn't the coolest name since Stella Dallas, I defy you to name one cooler.
GRAMMARIANS, your opinions please on those ubiquitous television ads reading, “Stand Up To Jewish Hate,” and on through several more ethnic hates we're advised to stand up to.
A STRICT CONSTRUCTIONIST, or literalist, take your pick, like me thought at first glance I was somehow besieged by Jews, which, grammatically, is what “Stand Up To Jewish Hate” means.
WHAT'S INTENDED by the message, I have to suppose, is “Stand Up Against The Hatred Of Jews,” and Muslims, and Hispanics, and Blacks and Asians and Hatred period.
FROM THE NYT: During the first six weeks of the war in Gaza, Israel routinely used one of its biggest and most destructive bombs in areas it designated safe for civilians, according to an analysis of visual evidence by The New York Times. The video investigation focuses on the use of 2,000-pound bombs in an area of southern Gaza where Israel had ordered civilians to move for safety. While bombs of that size are used by several Western militaries, munitions experts say they are almost never dropped by U.S. forces in densely populated areas anymore. The Times programmed an artificial intelligence tool to scan satellite imagery of south Gaza for bomb craters. Times reporters manually reviewed the search results, looking for craters measuring roughly 40 feet across or larger. Munitions experts say typically only 2,000-pound bombs form craters of that size in Gaza’s light, sandy soil.
WILLIE BROWN said years ago that homelessness is a federal problem, way too big and costly for local municipalities, yet here we are with local municipalities (like Ukiah) and their cadres of self-profiting helping professionals pretending they and their schemes can get everybody indoors.
IN A POLL taken just after the dramatic Colorado Supreme Court ruling barring Donald Trump from the ballot in the state, over half of Americans approve of the justices disqualifying him.
THAT COLORADO RULING ought to scare all of us, unless you want judges deciding who can run for office.
THE FOUR Democrat solomons said Trump can't run in Colorado because he attempted an insurrection aimed at overthrowing the government. Thing is, Trump hasn't been tried, let alone convicted as an insurrectionary, which will make the Colorado judicial insurrection null and void.
ONE MORE TIME: An insurrection occurs when armed men plan to attack and hold a government headquarters then do it. Trump incited a riot on January 6th, not an insurrection. The rioters had no plan. Obviously. Trump's attempt to find votes to get him past Biden is more like an insurrectionary move than January 6th was.
IF DEMOCRATS keep on using government to slay the Orange Monster they'll probably get lots of insurrections, real ones.
THE DEFINING CHARACTERISTIC of Biden’s political career has been to make compromises with the right, no matter how far right the right gets. What started with amicable lunches with Strom Thurmond has ended with him knee-deep in a genocidal war with Netanyahu. It’s no surprise that Biden ended up here. It’s where he’s always been headed. It’s mildly surprising that the rest of the party has so willingly gone along for the ride, on a doomed political trajectory fueled by burning the aspirations of their own base. — Jeff St. Clair
JADE TIPPETT: In the early 1970s, on a break from college, I worked in a nursing home in Ithaca, New York. Started out on "days" and later moved to the night shift, 11:00 PM to 7:00 AM. It was one of the better investor owned facilities, but still a place of suffering. The staff was a combination of older blue collar women, some women of my generation, a few more progressive than others, and two men. I was one. There was an informal agreement among the staff regarding the holidays. The older staff tended to be religious, so the younger folks, the progressive ones, call us the "hippies," all worked Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so the religious folks and those with families could enjoy the holidays in church and with family. Come New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, those of us who had worked the prior holidays had those off to party...and recover. I lasted about a year there, an education about institutionalized end-of-life care that likely hasn't changed a whole lot in 50 years. To all who are working these holidays, in health care, LEO, fire, the responsibilities that cannot be walked away from, thank you, and may your time off, when you get it, be joyful and filled with love.
MEET SUPES CANDIDATE ADAM GASKA Friday, January 19th Meet and Greet with 1st District Supervisor candidate Adam Gaska. Time:5-7 pm Location: Frey Vineyards new winery at: 11700 West Road Redwood Valley Light refreshments will be available. Family/kid friendly. Come meet Adam, listen to his plan to improve Mendocino County government. Bring your questions, concerns, and issues.
THE DEADBEAT FILES Beware of large school bus & squatter.
Dear Neighbors,
We had a long ordeal ending in court yesterday to oust a hostile “professional squatter” after months of abuse.
And we now know that we are not his first victims. “I’m not a victim, I make victims,” he says.
A very unpleasant and expensive time.. A truckload or two of garbage and abandoned stuff awaits us to haul away now.
Anyone want lots of bus seats stuffed under redwood trees? Or maybe a visit by the county? Fraudulent flyers about you with attempts to take over your property? There may be more damage and theft yet to be discovered.
Watch out ..he’s back on the road looking for the next naive land owner. If he comes to you, my advice, from experience. says, “don’t let Ed (Hare Krishna Dayal) on your land” (or others without a contract). He knows his legal rights (professional squatter) and will use them if given a chance until you pay him off, get sued or win against him in court.
Please warn your neighbors, family and friends..this is not an isolated incident.
Sojourna Lee RN
Fort Bragg
* * *
To: Sojourna Lee <>
Ms. Lee,
As someone who professes to be proficient in nonviolent communication, your leadership and involvement in this whole fiasco has been disappointing. Especially since you spent most of the time that Mr. Lewenetz was at Meadow Farm on vacation elsewhere while he worked to improve things there with apparently no charge to Meadow Farm. Also, you are well aware that Mr. Lewenetz has permanent brain damage from an auto accident and doesn't always relate well to others. He can come off as rather blunt and direct.
But that's not his fault.
After attending the court proceeding with Mr. Lewenetz to watch the proceedings as an outside observer, I had the opportunity to give a somewhat objective viewpoint on the proceedings. To be clear, earlier this morning I was going to not publish this report of what I saw and go on my way, but your biased accounting and potentially libelous statements about Mr. Lewenetz has compelled me to speak out. The following is what I have observed;
Meadow Farm, A Christmas Story
On December 21 of this year I had the opportunity to observe an Unlawful Detainer case at 10 Mile Court House here in Fort Bragg. The Unlawful Detainer was filed by attorney Jone Lemos for John Risk, the Treasurer and one of the current residents of Meadow Farm Community Land Trust located out Pudding Creek Rd. just northeast of Fort Bragg. The defendant in the case was Edward Lewenetz, who was invited to Meadow Farm by Sojourna Lee, the Secretary and also a current resident of Meadow Farm. Mr. Lewenetz arrived last August to be a participant in the farm activities, and from his perspective, become a permanent resident and beneficiary of one of Meadow Farm’s primary purposes which is to provide low income housing for those in need, primarily seniors.
In the court proceeding against Mr. Lewenetz, it was claimed by the plaintiff’s representing Meadow Farm via their attorney Jone Lemos that MF had the right to expel the defendant from the property when there was no more work for him to do based on California Civil Code of Procedure 1161(1) which provides:
“A tenant of real property, for a term less than guilty of unlawful detainer: (1)When he or she continues in possession...without the permission of his or her landlord… including the case where the person to be removed became the occupant of the premises as a servant, employee, agent or licensee and the relation of master and servant, or employer and employee, or principal and agent, or licensor and licensee, has been lawfully terminated or the time fixed for occupancy by the agreement between the parties has expired….
Ms. Lemos was well prepared and presented her case. She called both John Risk and Sojourna Lee to the witness stand to state what they claimed to be the truth of the matter, which was that Mr. Lewenetz was an employee who was working for a space to park his bus and food from the garden. And though Sojourna Lee testified that he had done excellent work on all of the tasks he had taken on, the farm had no more work for Mr. Lewenetz, and he needed to go.
Both John Risk and Sojourna Lee corroborated each other’s testimony on the witness stand as could be expected since they are husband and wife, and between them they have controlling votes on the Board of Directors, as well as being two of the only four residents on the 28 acre property known as Meadow Farm Community Land Trust. The other two residents on the farm are Jesse Stafford who is Ms. Lee’s former partner and Lee Mical who is Ms. Lee’s adult son.
When it came time for Mr. Lewenetz to present his case, he read a prepared statement in which he stated that he was invited to Meadow Farm as a permanent resident and to replace the current manager Jesse Stafford. He stated that he was never invited as a temporary employee. Mr. Lewenetz stated facts that showed that had he been an employee there would have been an employer / employee process that involved an IRS W-4, workers compensation and that Meadow Farm would have to be registered with California EDD in order to employ him. He stated that even if what the plaintiff’s claimed was true, that he had traded skilled labor for a place to park his bus and receive vegetables from the garden, trade is taxable and should he injure himself, insurance needs to be in place.
Sadly, Mr. Lewenetz didn’t have the benefit of an attorney in the proceedings as legal aid had declined to represent him in the case and he didn’t have the assets to hire an attorney. Since Mr. Lewenetz didn’t have any witnesses to corroborate what he claimed to be the truth about being invited by Sojourna Lee and John Risk to be a permanent resident, Judge Clayton Brennan of 10 Mile Court decided in favor of the plaintiff based on Ms. Lemos’ presentation and the only two testifying witnesses in the case, John Risk and Sojourna Lee.
It seems interesting though that so much time and legal expense would be incurred by a nonprofit organization in this case to prove that Mr. Lewenetz was an employee without the benefit of all of the normal employee benefits. The plaintiff basically proved to the court and made public knowledge that Meadow Farm has under the table live-in employees who work for a place to camp that they can expel from the property at will and there is no insurance.
As a bit of a back story, prior to Mr. Lewenetz’ arrival to Meadow Farm, he had invested everything into a 2009 school bus to live in, which he drove to Meadow Farm and used as his residence. This meant that he only needed water and power connections where he parked his bus in the field. California DMV is going through problems with diesel buses and trucks right now in their ability to register them effectively based on new emission standards. Mr. Lewenetz’ bus is one of those problem vehicles that DMV has been trying to get resolved. But currently, it is not registered to be on public roads until DMV does some magic which they are supposed to be in the process of.
Ironically, Mr. Lewenetz had asked John Risk to help him with the scanning and sending of the documents to DMV. Which, Mr. Risk promised to do and never got around to doing because he was on extended vacation with Ms. Lee, while never acknowledging to Mr. Lewenetz that the documents were never sent to DMV. So Mr. Lewenetz was waiting around for over a month for something that was not coming.
Mr. Lewenetz is now working with DMV directly after finding out from them that no documents were ever sent on his behalf by Mr. Risk. But in the meantime he now has to drive his bus illegally and park it somewhere while he attempts to resolve the problem and spend what he doesn’t have on a motel room. He has already left Meadow Farm as of today Dec. 22, honoring the Judge’s decision. A less reputable person would have waited for the sheriff to evict him, which the Sheriff's department informed Mr. Lewenetz would be around January 9 because they don't like to evict people over the holidays.
Bruce Broderick
Fort Bragg
[1] The country is sick. Our filthy government exists because the people permit it to exist and why do the people permit so much rampant corruption? Because the people themselves are rampantly corrupt. 1. Pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry in America. 2. Drug use is rampant in America funding the cartels and granting them power. 3. Americans are in debt up to their eyeballs and own nothing. 4. Americans would rather live on the dole than take care of themselves. 5. Americans engage in fornication before ever considering marriage and commitment. 6. As a result of rampant fornication women murder their own offspring as a form or means of birth control and celebrate it as a personal progressive right. 7. Americans put celebrity scum on a pedestal and worship them while vilifying the true deity. 8. Americans no longer pray but worship government, government, which is actually a creation of the people. 9. Idol worshipping. 10. Idleness. How many countless hours are lost to people watching the tee vee when they could be doing something productive? 11. Physical fitness no longer matters. The majority of Americans are fat, disgusting slobs. 12. Tattoos. Facial piercings. Botox. Fake boobs, fake asses. Blue hair. Need I say more?
[1] Come work for Mendocino County! Tucked away in the headwaters of California’s famed wine country, Mendocino County is a high functioning organization with a dedication to the highest levels of ethical operations. Prospective employees can expect a dynamic environment. Where else can one find such beauty and intrigue!? Your new organization’s Chief Executive Officer and Attorney can be expected to dig in deep finding anything they can to destroy those with whom they find displeasing. No professional courtesy with an issue that should be corrected, it’s a straight referral to our Sheriff, a simple man straight out of ‘No Country for Old Men’. Expect to be stabbed in the back if you find yourself on the outs with the in crowd. Don’t stay too long, as anyone with over ten years’ experience either knows too much or is personally responsible for everything going wrong. Many of our Department Heads are generous with the company card. You yourself could be dodging arraignment before you know it! If you’re able to buy a house here, keep it in good condition as you never know when you might need to sell it quick!
[2] Well, well. We may now know the Dems strategy. 1. Get the GOP to put Trump in as number one. 2. Disqualify him as an insurrectionist in as many states as possible, like Colorado. 16 states have actions using the 14th amendment to disqualify him. So the most dysfunctional administration in history is going to use the judicial system to disqualify the other side. Nice, it may be decided by the appointed Supreme Court to decide if voting means anything in this country. The Dems are the party of Democracy? My ass.
[3] When Jim Eddie ran for re-election to the Supervisors I ran against him. One of the reasons was the destruction of the Eel River. No one knows more about this river than me — period. The bastards we have running our county have all but destroyed it. With the public epithet “We have to take a stand” the power plants and dams at Lake Pillsbury need to come out. The Eel can never return at all without water. The problem is the Farm Bureau. They’re a bunch of so-called farmers who beg all day for government subsidies. I ain’t met a farmer in Mendoland that has made a dime of profit farming — unless they’re growing pot or grapes. Yet the so-called “agriculture” runs Mendocino County. If those farmers had to pay for what they use they’d all leave. In Idaho, a real agribusiness area, the government dammed up 1,000 miles of the Snake River for power and agriculture. But Clinton has a billion-dollar bailout on the table today. The little farmer don’t get none of this money though. The corporation-farmers get it. The salmon and steelhead are no longer in the rivers in Idaho either. Just like the Eel system. Dams and fish don’t mix. Fish need the water when they come to spawn, not when the dam man turns the dam water loose. Way back when life began, we knew better, but we continue to do wrong. — Barney ‘BJ’ Rowland (2000)
[4] The anger of the majority of our country is about to hit the street. Nice guys like myself eventually snap and then become blind with rage taking no prisoners and numb to any consequences at that moment. The usually good natured American public will finally snap and formerly decent men will form mobs that will dwarf the mentally ill mobs we have been suffering for many years. I’m grateful that I’m old and cannot act out my rage. I can only watch and pray for our country.
[5] Just yesterday I had a long conversation with a girl in the Philippines. A customer cable rep as my internet was acting up. She was the most pleasant rep I have ever talked to. These people take a lot of shit as everybody that calls them has a problem. I started out that way but she was just too nice to give a hard time to. We talked about where we lived , weather, and such. Must have been a slow day. What surprised me the most was as we ended the call she wished me a “Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”. She doesn’t know me. It was a pleasant surprise from the droll “happy holidays.” I know many Filipinos are Catholic, left over from the Spanish empire days.
[6] I’ll share my own from this week. I was shopping at North Coast Artists in Fort Bragg for presents, found two lovely prayer flag panels and took them to the artist on duty. The artist, a woman somewhat younger than I named Ginnie, exclaimed. “Oh, those are my work.” So we talked for a few minutes about how she began making them 30 or so years ago, influenced in part by her Buddhist readings, and how she had continued on through the years making them. She had also done a large installation of prayer flags at a hospital some years ago. I in turn shared a story from long ago about a prayer flag at my urban commune in San Diego. It was such a pleasant, heartening meeting, brief as it was, and both of us agreed it had “made our day.” In this age of hurry and worry, with so much sorrow and loss at hand, and so many digital encounters lacking human warmth and energy and connection, little encounters like these remind me again of who we really are, and how much we all share in common. — Chuck Dunbar
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