Dear Editor and readers, Thanks again so much for the support and subscription all this time I've been down. It's made this state tour almost bearable. I'm currently locked down in Chino, California on a…
Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”
NO SUPERBINKIES Hi Bruce Well I am overjoyed that Japan is going off the absurd nuclear power track. Nuclear is the great hope, banking the planet's future on a toxic power source that really is…
STILL KEEPING THE CODE Editor, Keep The Code, Inc., a non-profit Corporation of Mendocino County citizens, has hired legal representation in litigation, challenging the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors' certification of the Environmental Impact Report…
NO MORE KENT STATES President Obama: Kent State Letter from Allison's Family Kent State Peace May 1, 2012 President Barack H. Obama, The White House Washington DC 20500 Dear President Obama: Last week my mother…
To Honorable Judge Ellis: I am writing to inform you that I was coerced into signing the plea agreement. This is my motion to withdraw my plea agreement, entered on the 29th of March 2012.…
BRAUTIGAN: WARTS & ALL Editor, Make no mistake about it: I love Richard Brautigan. I really love Richard Brautigan. He was as much a part of my early literary training at the Writing Seminars Department…
BAJA NEWS Editor, Our next trip was to travel from Baja Norte to Baja Sur in search of the Grey Whale. These whales travel from their summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to the…