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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Thought Guardians

Editor, We are locked down here for the second time this month. I’m reading your June 17, 2009, issue, the one with your poignant “Welcome…


Dear AVA, I am appalled at the complete lack of mainstream corporate-media coverage of the 2008 Winter Soldier hearings (held last week in Maryland). These…

Bob Williams Remembers Judi Bari

To: Mr. Paul Grabowicz,The Tribune,P.O. Box 24304Oakland, CA 94623 Dear Paul: Thanks for sending your two articles on Judi Bari. You and Carolyn do a…

Why Not, Indeed

Bruce, I read in today's online SF Examiner that the SFPD crime lab used DNA evidence to crack a cold 18 year old rape/murder case.…

Now Comes the Afterscam

To the Editor AVA-- If some of your readers missed the latest wrap up of the never ending Judi Bari bombing case (AVA "Off The…

Letters (July 12, 2000)

You continue to falsely state that the civil suit depends on Tony Serra's ability to “bullshit a federal jury into believing the ludicrous story that the FBI and/or timber interests tried to murder Judi Bari.”

Letters (Jan. 5, 2000)

RE: OPERATION PIPELINE Bruce, I live in Seattle, and as you know we have turned a corner here. This is real serious stuff. During the…

Mike Sweeney Responds

This is a response to Bruce Anderson's article. I did not bomb Judi Bari, or write any of the letters. There is no credible evidence…

Letters (June 26, 1996)

Reading the Anderson Valley Advertiser seems a lot like getting dispatches from some Third World banana republic. Tankman Tuso is head of the local death squad who sends his men out into the dark of night to grease the local natives and crack the heads of any rebel upstarts. Persecuting Attorney Massini takes care of business for the rich fat-cat landholders and handles the cattle prod during peasant interrogations. Clueless Judge Luther rubber-stamps into the jailhouse any poor devils the dynamic duo of law enforcement bounce into his Court of Kangaroo.
