AMATEUR HOUR Dear Editor, I'm something of an amateur forensic accountant, and I am most certainly a very diligent citizen watchdog of Mendocino County finances. Most folks know me as an outspoken critic of our…
Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”
"Next week if they take my medical cannabis I will be pissed off and demand they give it back!" --Angel Raich, Northstone Organics patient Angel Raich spoke these words after Northstone Organics' drivers were stopped…
MOVE TO AMEND Dear Editor and readers; A recent poll found that 85% of US voters believe “corporations have too much influence over the political system,” and “93% say that average citizens have too little…
SAKO’S RETIREMENT PROBS AGAIN Dear Editor: The main thing voters should know in this election is that much of Mendocino County politics has been corrupt in the past, and that we, the people, didn't seem…
ABUSED & HAUNTED Editor, Lifting the lid on Fort Bragg Elder abuse: I have been the e-victim of mental elder abuse from slumlordies (M/F) three times in succession, all involving water problems and effective heating…
LOSE’EM-ALL LOSES AGAIN Dear Editor, Hello to the great readers of the AVA. This is Timothy Elliott once again. I would like to ask for a moment of your time. Again, I am writing to…
Joy Greenfield, the victim of the Covelo DEA raid, was recently at my river garden for a joint interview with a French reporter. For show and tell, I pulled out my uncomplicated hand-crank wheat grass…
DEFENDING WALLIS Editor, This is my rebuttal to Bruce McEwen. I asked Mark Scaramella if he were going to publish it, he thought 'yes.' It was emailed it late Sunday August 23rd. The following week…