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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

COMMUNICATING WITH PARKS Ms. Janelle Beland (Acting Director of State Parks), Over the last ten months, I have written and published 13 in-depth articles on the Parks crisis. The articles appeared in the Anderson Valley…

Letters To The Editor

WAR & GUNS, AN EXCHANGE Editor, I enclose my latest two letters (and what provoked them) to the Contra Costa Times. We are allowed one letter a month but at least they ran. * *…

Letters To The Editor

SALAD U. Hi Folks, We will be hosting a Salad University class on Sunday Sept. 9 at Floodgate Farm's new Redwood Valley location on Laughlin Peak. We'll meet at the Redwood Valley Farmers' Market (Lions…

Letters To The Editors

THE SUPERINTENDENT’S PROTOCOL To ICO Reporter Chris McManus: It is unfortunate you didn't attend the board meeting in Manchester in May for my interview process. So, I will give you a brief summary of what…

Letters To The Editor

SPEED TRAP STATE Editor, Have you noticed that ever since the CHP got to use radar, we've looked like a Southern speed-trap state? CHP officers are hiding behind overpasses and bushes trying to make money…

Letters To The Editor

WHY LAURA’S LAW? Editor, Laura’s Law Issues Raised by Supervisors & Staff 7-10-12 1. Staff estimates the cost of implementing Laura’s Law is $792,696 annually. Nevada County’s cost of providing services to 19 individuals during…

Letters To The Editor

GRAND JURY FAILS AGAIN To The Editor: Another Toothless Grand Jury Report. The Mendocino Grand Jury completed their report on the Ukiah City RDA (Redevelopment Program) and it is really a disappointment. As one local…
