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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters To The Editor

THE LITTLE PEOPLE Dear Colonel: My apologies for the sudden spate of communications, but I had to comment on the February 23 Todd Walton piece…

Book Up On Diabetes, Doc

Editor, A Short-Term Death Sentence — On February 19 while in Mendocino County Jail I was tested at 4am and had low blood sugar of…

Letters To The Editor

RECRUITING THE DEAD TO WAGE PEACE Editor: They repose in a verdant park with manicured lawns, bright flowers and splashing fountains near Romaone-sous-Montfaucon, France. They…

Prison Poetry

Editor, Dateline San Quentin State prison, South block, Alpine section, entry 2: Play now, Pay later. Picking up the pieces one day at a time.…

Letters To The Editor

LOCAL-FRIENDLY WINE Dear Editor, In these days of declining tourist dollars, with wine tasting rooms springing up like mushrooms to divide the attention of those…

Letters to the Editor

NO TEARS FOR HERB Dr. Herb Ruhs, It is sadly disappointing that you blame your own error on the hard-working women providing an irre­placeable service…

Letters To The Editor

PULLING TEETH Editor, I was born in 1938. In that year the American Medical Association got the legislation it wanted from the FDR Administration here…

Letters to the Editor

WAY TO GO, NPR! Dear All Things Considered, Many thanks for yesterday's story about the shocking revelations brought forward by Al Jazeera concerning the astounding…

Letters to the Editor

SIDEWAYS Dear Mr Parrish, I just now read your “Who Really Rules California's Wine Country?”, as I am catching up after returning to Massachusetts from…
