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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (June 4, 2014)

Regarding the frost fan controversy, I’m curious about the decision-making process local grape growers used that produced giant, community-disrupting noise machines? For example, did they do any research at all into alternative, quieter wind machines such as Shur Cold Air Drains and the 4-blade Australian Frost Fans? And, if so, why did they choose the loudest alternative? Was an alternative of having more, but quieter fans rejected as too expensive? Was it a strictly bottom-line, community-be-damned decision?

Letters (May 28, 2014)

As a Mendocino employee I would say your reporting on the contract negotiation snafu has been pretty accurate during the last few years. SEIU clearly staked out an adversarial position, first to stonewall the need for a pay cut, and now to restore it whether the County has the money or not.

Letters (May 21, 2014)

According to Phil Frisbee, as reported in the Willits News, Caltrans plans to dig up 100,000 cubic yards of soil from the south end of Willits and dump it on the wetlands on the north end of town. They intend to start “as soon as site conditions allow.” This translates to: “As soon as that muddy, old wetlands dries up enough to support heavy equipment, we are going to take steps to kill it.”

Letters (May 14, 2014)

My name is Wendy Read and I am the one who organized the community meeting last Wednesday to address the use of the nocturnal frost monsters now employed by some of the grape growers in Anderson Valley. If you live near one, you know what I mean. If you don’t, it’s difficult to impress upon you the devastating noise and vibration that roars through my home and dozens of others when these monsters are active in the wee hours of the night.

Problems at the Anderson Valley Health Center

My name is Eric Arbanovella. My wife Cindy works as a Nurse Practitioner at the Anderson Valley Health Center (AVHC). I am a stay-at-home dad and a volunteer driver with the Anderson Valley Ambulance Service.

Letters (May 7, 2014)

As I slumber high atop my ridge in the blissfully warm early spring morning, doors and windows open to allow the outside in, I am awakened by an all too familiar sound. You gotta be kidding me! Vineyard fans. At nearly 50°F.

Letters (Apr 30, 2014)

Recently, after 39 years of coaching basketball at Ukiah High, the coach was, in my opinion, let go because players and their parents spoke to the principal. This is usually because they feel they don't play as much as they should and feel they are better than others. I feel the community who don't know Coach Heath should know how dedicated he is.

Letters (Apr 23, 2014)

We are writing on behalf of three women, a mother and her two young adult daughters, to express our concerns about your deputies' mishandling of an attempted break-in in Point Arena on Friday, March 28, 2014.

Letters (Apr 16, 2014)

Anderson Valley Winegrowers Association, neighborhood bullies indeed. I always thought “white noise” was listening to Rush Limbaugh or Bill O'Reilly.
