TAKE THIS, LIBERALS Editor, Patriotism versus liberals — A few years ago I was wearing one of my patriotic ball caps. It had a symbol of an American bald eagle with a United States flag…
Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”
PAVING WITH GOOD INTENTIONS Editor, Ron Epstein's Sunday View column in the August 22 Ukiah Daily Journal attempts to explain why he thinks the planned for asphalt hot mix plant at the Harris quarry site…
WHY WAS GREENFIELD RAIDED? Editor, The federal DEA raid 7/7/10 of Joy Greenfield's collective, “Light the Way,” magnifies the critical juncture where medical marijuana legalization in the states challenges federal prohibition. Greenfield, 69, aka “grandma…
DEAR DAN Dear Editor, I'm addressing this letter to a man of stature in our community, former United States Congressman, Mr. Dan Hamburg. He is currently a candidate for the Fifth District Supervisor seat of…
THE BAD SUPERINTENDENT Dear Editor, Mark Iacuaniello, superintendent of the Point Arena Schools District in Point Area, retired August 1, 2010. He arrived at Point Arena in 2001 after he was “let go” as superintendent…
WHERE THE FISHIN’S GOOD Editor, I was warned when we moved here to this wonderful state, that the weather was lousy, but the fishing was great! I said, “the good with the bad, the worst…
OUT TO PASTURE To whoever accused me of being “severely neglected”— My name is Filly and I am the equine equivalent of a 95-97-year-old woman. I know you have this beautiful image in your head…
My good friend and former colleague Don Cruiser and I have different opinions on the California Marine Life Protection Act of 1999.